Prove That You Are A Hero!

Dr. Michael LaitmanAfter the Mega Kabbalah Congress, many complain about experiencing heaviness and “hardening of the heart.” This is the Pharaoh, our ego, awakening in us. If we now use the power that we have received during the Congress in order to correct the heaviness that descended upon us, we will benefit!

We need to relate to the entire reality as to a single whole. Both ascents and descents are the stages of the same path. Advancement is impossible without these two forces acting one upon the other. The state of excitement is not yet advancement. This is not yet a step forward but only the force received from Above. Afterward, we need to realize it “below.”

If you receive this force and do not wish to realize it, you resemble a clogged pipe that is being pressured from within but is unwilling to pass this pressure further. Next time, you won’t receive anything! You will be forced to leave this path, and someone else will be chosen for this mission from Above.

We should understand that we received a force, and by itself, it doesn’t self-realize. It is our duty to continue working with it by ourselves. If you don’t utilize whatever was given to you, you won’t receive any additional strength and will become increasingly passive.

And on the contrary, anybody who now will quickly invest all the received forces into circulation of Kabbalah will feel himself receiving more and more from Above. We need to open the pipe and let the energy flow freely through it!

From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/4/10, “Introduction to the Book, Panim Meirot uMasbirot

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