He Who Justifies The Creator Is The Righteous One

Dr. Michael LaitmanAs humanity progresses, our material life becomes more comfortable, but the “human” within us feels more and more unfulfilled. As a result, we are regarded as “sinners” because when we suffer we blame the Creator for it. Only if we feel that the Creator gives us pleasure, can we justify Him. The sages said: “Righteous is he who justifies the Creator and says that He gives only goodness to the world.”

In other words, we have to correct ourselves to the point of feeling that the Upper governing Force brings us good rather than the evil which we experience now. Our life consists of two parts: the life of the animate body and that of a human being as a part of the surrounding society. And we can correct ourselves to such an extent that we can experience a perfect life in all its aspects.

A person who has corrected his perception is regarded as righteous since he will justify the Creator, seeing His kind governance. This governance was good and fair from the start. However, we are created as egoists and perceive everything negatively with a “minus” sign (despite the fact that we are surrounded by the positive field of bestowal, the Creator) because we are opposite to Him. Our job is to correct ourselves, thereby making our perception positive. Working in this manner we expand our perception from a tiny “plus” to a great one until it becomes an infinite “plus” just like the Creator Himself.

These degrees of my coming closer to Him in the sensation of good governance of the world (according to their quality, quantity, volume and strength) are the very steps of ascension, the degrees of righteousness. Baal HaSulam writes in his Letter 59: “A righteous one feels unbroken delight, praising the Creator who created for him such a good and joyful world.”

In other words, it is impossible to feel bad and justify the Creator at the same time! Kabbalah does not call for any restrictions. Everything is defined solely by the sensations carried deep within a person’s heart. If he suffers, he will inevitably condemn the Creator; and if he is happy, he will bless Him.

Therefore, we have to correct ourselves so as to feel all His goodness and bestowal; as a result, we will become righteous without a doubt. The righteous is not the one who suffers silently and willingly, but the one who corrected himself in order to feel the truth!
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/13/10, Shamati #34

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Laitman.com Post: A Righteous Man Is The Foundation Of The World
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One Comment

  1. I hope we can not only reveal the evil, but the good inside of those “strangers” we meet and recognize the perfect place they fill in our world and really feel it deep down inside.

    Sandra El. Watson, Alberta, Canada

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