Entries in the 'Perception' Category

What Does the Righteous See?

237Question: We know that a righteous is one who fully justifies the Creator and sees everything as perfect. But the righteous Mordechai saw a flaw in the people, he saw the division. So was he a sinner at that moment?

Answer: No, the righteous see the picture as it is. It is not about eyes being closed. The righteous sees a clear picture of the entire universe.

We constantly check what state we are in, each relative to himself and each other.

When there is connection, unity, and love between us, we have spiritual power. We can do something. If we do not, we are powerless.

We must get closer to each other to be like one man, Adam, similar to the Creator. That is the kind of unity we should have between us.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

Related Material:
A True Righteous
Cling to the Degree of the Righteous
From the Position of the Righteous

Live the Truth

222Question: Rabash writes in “Inheritance of the Land” that our material world is not true, but that there are two types of truth. What does it mean?

Answer: Our material world is not true because we perceive it in our egoistic desires, our intentions, and our egoistic attitude to everything that happens between us.

But as soon as we can rise above the condition of “for our own sake,” we will immediately begin to feel the spiritual world.

And then we will perceive the Creator and His actions, will pray to Him, and will thank Him.

To live the truth means to live by the laws of the Creator—bestowal and love.

To strive for the truth in your work in the ten means to connect with your friends and to ask the Creator to raise you a little higher to Himself. And then you will see the world in the light of bestowal.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/31/24, Writings of Rabash “Inheritance of the Land”

Related Material:
Try To See The Truth Behind The Illusion
When Will the Truth Be Revealed to Us
The Truth Above All

The Power of Imagination

1.02Question: In the wisdom of Kabbalah, we often hear the term “imagine to yourself.” What kind of creature is a person if they can change their states with imagination? When we imagine something good, in a way, we change our state. Where does this happen within us?

Answer: A person as if consists of two systems. In one system, he feels; in the other, he can imagine something, even if it is opposite to his feelings. Therefore, when we read the explanations of the Kabbalists, we desire to feel what they describe. Let us do just that.

Gradually, by tuning ourselves to different understandings, sensations, and bestowal, our brain will transition from sensations to feelings so that feelings will operate in the mind.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/13/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “The Torah and the Creator Are One”

Related Material:
Bring Your Heart and Mind Closer Together
In-Between The Heart And The Mind
Learning not with the Mind but with the Heart

The World Is Beautiful!

715Question: The king had a faithful friend. They spent all their time together, and no matter what happened, the friend would always say: “This is good.”

Once they went hunting. The king’s gun exploded and blew off his finger. The friend said: “This is good!” The king got angry and sent him to prison for many years. Some time passed, and while the king was traveling far from home, his caravan was attacked by cannibals. The cannibals ate everyone except the king.

They had a superstition to never to eat people with physical defects. When the king returned home, the first thing he did was run to the prison and ask for forgiveness from his friend. And the friend exclaimed: “But it is good that you put me in prison!” “Why?” “Otherwise, I would have been with you on that journey.” In other words, the cannibals would have eaten him too.

Question: Is it possible to say that everything, absolutely everything, that happens is good?

Answer: That is absolutely right! In our world, this is true in all cases.

Comment: In our world, it is almost impossible, and you say that this is true in all cases.

My Response: Correct. Everything happens for the best.

Question: Tell me, how can one learn this? It is a question everyone has. How can one learn this in our world where everything seems to speak to the contrary that everything leads to the worst: wars, suffering, death of loved ones?

Answer: If we accept everything as coming from the Creator, then we must say that everything is for the best, and everything is moving toward correction. And in reality, the world is not getting worse; it is getting better.

Comment: So there is only one gate here that needs to be opened. If we believe that everything comes from the Creator, if we understand that, we know that everything comes from the Creator. We just need to feel it or reveal it, and then everything will be fine.

My Response: Yes.

Question: Can this be achieved through mechanical repetition? Can it be done with exercises? How can one realize that there is none else beside Him, that everything is from Him?

Answer: There is simply one force that governs everything and wants us to rise to its level.

Question: You know, there are theories that the Creator has abandoned the world, left us as we are, that He is not good, and so on. There are all sorts of versions like that. Why should I come to the version that everything is good and that it all comes from Him?

Answer: Because that is what Kabbalists say. I accept their opinion without any doubt. And then I gradually discover that it is really true.

Question: So you are saying that we need to grasp onto this opinion and hold onto the Kabbalists no matter what? Is this also called faith above reason?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So even if I feel bad, I hold onto the belief that it is all for the best.

Why all of this is hidden from us? Why can’t we at some point be given a little hint, like a little child being given support, and the Creator will open up for a moment? Just open up.

Answer: No! That would be a completely lost game!

Question: Even if just a tiny bit were revealed?

Answer: There would be no grip because everything would be known and the whole game would be lost.

Comment: That is, suddenly these insane pleasures would be revealed…

My Response: Not just pleasures—the truth would be revealed.

Question: And you  would understand that this is the truth?

Answer: Yes, and after that, there are no doubts, and there is no need to live, and there are no justifications for anything. And again, you need to invent: good—evil, crime—punishment, and so on.

Question: So doubts are necessary, experiences are necessary, ups and downs, everything is necessary?

Answer: Absolutely!

Question: Is evil necessary, good, truth, falsehood, is all of this necessary?

Answer: And in between all of that, man lives in turmoil.

Comment: It is beautiful, but it is not easy.

My Response: This is life. There is no bad in the world at all. And the way it is designed, it is beautiful!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/4/24

Related Material:
Everything Passes
The Plague Of The Century
The Secret Of Happiness

Man Must Be Forbidden from Suffering

538Question: By the road stood the trunk of a dried-up tree. At night, a thief passed by and got scared; he thought it was a policeman. A young man in love walked by, and his heart joyfully skipped a beat; he mistook the tree for his beloved. A frightened child, influenced by scary stories, saw the tree, and burst into tears. But in all cases, the tree was just a tree. “We see the world as we are.”

Could you please tell me, what does it say about us if today we see the world in wars, suffering, troubles, and so on?

Answer: We are a reflection of the world. Essentially if we perceive the world as full of suffering, it means that we ourselves are fundamentally like that. And deep inside we don’t actually wish to see the world differently. We, in fact, want it to stay that way. We cannot rise above what we feel. That is the problem.

Question: So do we want this suffering?

Answer: Yes, we are accustomed to it; we dwell in it. And that’s the problem.

Comment: But that’s essentially anti-life.

My Response: That’s where we are.

Question: So we’re not really living?

Answer: We are not living.

Comment: It’s a complete turnaround: that we want suffering.

My Response: Our entire history, the history of all humanity, is just a continuous flow of suffering.

Comment: But we think we were set up for this. And even in the Torah, it is said: “Go and suffer.”

Essentially, it is said that you will suffer. So, we are not responsible, we are not carrying it with us, we were put in this position. And you’re saying it lives within us.

My Response: I believe it is our fault. We don’t wish to rise above this degree. We don’t want to!

Question: So the whole task is to want?

Answer: To want to overturn all of this, to break free from this tangle of suffering.

Question: What does a person need to do for that?

Answer: A person needs to stop hating others, to bring oneself closer to others. And then everything will change.

Question: Does he need to understand that he wants to suffer, wants suffering?

Answer: Yes, I think we just need to forbid ourselves to suffer because by suffering, you provoke suffering in the world. Wake up and sing!

Question: So if you’re in pain, wake up and sing. Like that song: “Wake up and sing, try in life at least once…”?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Now, here’s a question. Later, all of them – the child, the lover, the thief – found out in the end that it was just a tree, what they were afraid of. What do we need to find out? What is in front of us?

Answer: The Creator! Nothing else! And He constantly creates these scenes, visions for us to be afraid and gradually come to an understanding of these mirages.

Question: So, my desire for suffering should turn into what is in front of me…?

Answer: Mirage.

Question: And I don’t have the right to suffer, you say?

Answer: No! As soon as you start to suffer, this mirage turns into materialistic actions, scenes.

Comment: Wars and so on.

My Response: Yes, but if you don’t allow suffering, even if it seems like it is there, then everything is corrected.

Question: And then I slowly start to see the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When you say “Creator,” what do you mean? What is in front of me, in front of us?

Answer: The force that governs the world, us, and that wants to lead us to the realization of the correct state of nature and ourselves.

Question: What is that state?

Answer: Joy!
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/1/24

Related Material:
Why Do We Feel Suffering?
What Is The Cause Of Suffering?
To Turn From The Path Of Suffering

Reveal a Good Connection

117Question: When you describe the field, which we perceive as disparate particles, do you mentally connect these particles by changing the system of perception?

Answer: Sometimes I also use this analogy. But, in general, this field is a system in which everything is connected. It is just that its elements are not included in the system correctly. Either they are included in the opposite way and slow everything down or they are included poorly and ineffectively.

Therefore, I am concerned about launching the system more explicitly so that it can start operating on its own. But that is a problem. However, time after time, gradually this happens.

In principle, it is a huge scheme in which all the parts exist together in common unchanging unity. This picture does not change since there is a rigid connection between them. It all depends on how they are included in each other as good or as harmful elements.

In their mutual inclusion, they create a system that gradually brings them closer to the one who created it, to the Creator, that is, to the upper force, the upper mind. Thus, gradually, by making yourself consciously kind (“love your neighbor as yourself” is our main goal), you put yourself in order, understand in what world you exist and in what connection with others.

When you learn, see, and start improving this scheme and its functioning, firstly, you will begin to feel comfortable. Secondly, you will detach yourself from your body, which is currently imposed on you as some nonexistent vision, and you will clearly feel yourself exactly in a state of inclusion with everyone else.

This feeling will suppress all earthly sensations. You will see only this system around you: how everyone is interconnected, how they work on the connection, but they work poorly, and that is why our world is the way we perceive it. Then you will see how it gets included and enters this system, is lost in it, as if it disappears, dissolves.

And the most important thing is that inside the system, when it begins to work in harmony, we feel the upper force, the one who created this field. This is the force of goodness, bestowal, mutual unity, and love. By feeling it, we become like it, eternal and perfect.

Then there are huge degrees of our development: greater and greater unity up to uniting into one single whole. At the same time, attainment and fulfillment occurs, which is what we internally desire for ourselves.

All our earthly desires are not even the first degree of what we receive when moving toward unity, because we gain great joy, fulfillment, eternity, perfection, everything! We can do this now. Just let us discover this good connection between us.
From KabTV’s “I Got a Call. One Desire” 1/6/12

Related Material:
In the Global Field of Mind and Feelings
Life in the Common Soul
To A Single Field Of Consciousness

The Names of the Creator—Attainment of His Properties

610.2He is called El, Elokim, Shadai, Tzvaot, EKYEH, so they would know Him in each and every attribute (Baal HaSulam, Foreword to The Book of Zohar, #40).

Question: The names of the Creator correspond to the ten Sefirot. Is it their filling or their naming?

Answer: These are ten Sefirot with light in them.

The name of the Creator consists of the Kli and the light that fills it. Kabbalists express their achievements in almost identical names. These names make it easier to indicate what you are suggesting. Just like in our world, if you talk about someone or something, you express some particular perception of this object, nothing more.

Question: What does it mean that the Kli of the ten takes such a form that it can accept the light or the name of the Creator, for example, El, Adni, or Eki?

Answer: It all depends on the level at which a person unites all the concepts of his relationship with the Creator. In what he is similar to the Creator, he senses this measure of similarity in himself, measures it, and thus names the Creator.

Just like in our world, you say some person is smart and has some kind of feature. That is, you call it that through your perception of its properties.

Question: Concerning the Creator, can I measure and verify this?

Answer: By comprehending the Creator, you measure your likeness to Him. And everyone who reveals Him on the same level calls Him the same way.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Foreword to The Book of Zohar

Related Material:
Attaining The Names Of The Creator
Attaining The Names Of The Creator
The Holy Names Of Bestowal

Toward Complete Unity

939.01Question: What do we connect if we feel everything differently?

Answer: We connect our Kelim. When they become larger and deeper, we begin to feel our similarity to each other in them. If we connect to create a common Kli, then in this common Kli we begin to attain the Creator.

Question: How can we come to such a perception of reality that everyone is in complete unity?

Answer: With love, everyone should strive for love.

Question: What is the reason for the transition between our understanding of the relationship between the Kli and the light, and the actual, practical comprehension of these relationships in our receiving Kelim?

Answer: The attainment of the connection or dependence of the light on the Kli is the attainment of the wisdom of Kabbalah.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “All the Worlds”

Related Material:
Everything Is Determined By Unity
Always Forward And Not A Step Back
Unity Is A New Reality

Identical Objects—Different Perceptions

928Question: It is said that spiritual phenomena change according to the state a person is in, and a person experiences a different form each time according to his or her imagination and sensory organs. We are developing the sixth sensory organ, which according to sensations is also divided into five parts. Is this why we perceive spiritual phenomena and objects differently?

Answer: We are all created in a common likeness and we have the same senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Nevertheless, they give their unique reflection and their perception for each person.

Let us say you put a candy in your mouth and you describe what it is like: sweet, pleasant, invigorating, and so on. But I do not understand this because this is only possible if I can feel the same perception of this candy in my sensory organs.

We have no other way to compare the sensations of one person with the sensations of another.

Therefore, it is said that everything we attain, that is, that we receive and reveal, happens only in relation to our properties.

Question: At the same time, the great Kabbalists, who were in a state of attainment, perceived spiritual objects and phenomena in the same way. Does it mean that we will never reach the same feeling that the Kabbalists reached?

Answer: While we are each in our own perception, yes. But as we develop, we will begin to understand the limitations of our receiving, we will begin to develop our feelings more and more, and thus we will become closer and understand each other more.

When this will happen is difficult to say. In the future, we will reach a state where our feelings will be equal and we will have exactly the same perceptions.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “All the Worlds”

Related Material:
Transition to the Perception of Truth
How Can We Feel The Upper World?
Several Details About The Picture Of The Spiritual World

Perceive the Creator through the Picture of the World

424.02The whole existence that the Creator spins before me is just a picture through which He wants to teach me to directly connect with Him.

By trying to discern Him through this picture, I am learning. I stop paying attention to it by shifting it from external representation to internal. And then I begin to discern not the picture itself, but only Him.

The picture somehow enters me, gets into my mind and feelings. I absorb it within me, like in a computer where new data or programs are input, and I catch them on the Internet, record them, and incorporate them within me. So, I begin to penetrate more and more into Him, and download all these programs into myself.

Programs are all the images, both of myself and of others that appear to me as such.

Thus, I come to a state where I see, feel, and perceive His plan.

Moreover, I do not just guess and feel it, but progressively become like Him, otherwise, I will not be able to guess and feel any of that.

That is, through external representations, images, and pictures of the world that I gradually incorporate within me, I can understand Him more deeply, more clearly, and become more like Him.
From KabTV’s “I Got A Call. The Creator Is Everywhere“ 12/24/11

Related Material:
How To See The Creator Through This World
The World Where “There Is None Else Besides Him”
Connection With God: Don’t Hang Up!