Words That Come From The Heart

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: It is written that Israel hastens time. How do we do this in the most effective and productive manner? With the help of dissemination? Intention? Inner analysis?

Answer: By working on yourself and outer dissemination. Inner work is unity between us. And in dissemination we need to make our message more and more comprehensive—for ourselves and for others.

If a person doesn’t know what he is talking about himself, it is better if he keeps quiet. He certainly will not benefit others. In that case, it’s true that our words will go in one ear and out the other. The fact is that they are not connected to the heart. We are still “yackety-yacking”—we haven’t immersed ourselves in them with our desires and feelings. We simply say what we’ve heard or read.

If you place yourself, your sacred desire, into your words…if they flow out of your desire in order to then clothe into formulations and reach the ears of another being, then this chain stretches out from your desire to another. After all, the desire is the foundation of the creature. However, if your words are initiated higher and if their roots do not reach the most important thing, then on the other side they also will not reach the goal and will vanish without leaving a trace in the person. This is why our dissemination is so weak.

Question: So what can we do for our words to flow directly from the desire, from the heart?

Answer: You just answered yourself: They need to come from the heart, from heart to heart.

If you don’t feel what you are about to say, don’t say anything. And if you feel, even gibberish will work. This is because there is feeling and inspiration in this gibberish and your companion will feel this warmth. “This person doesn’t know how to express himself,” he’ll think, “but I can tell that his whole life is in this.” Real feelings are valued and empty words leave people indifferent regardless of the strain in the voice.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/19/11, Writings of Baal HaSulam, “The Freedom”

Related Material:
The Year Of Mass Dissemination
A Loaded Message
Talk When You Have Something To Say


  1. A fun exorcise,

    Sing alone in the shower, no words just expression of music that feels the same as how you feel already inside before hand, aka what wants to come out.

    After it has been intensified by singing, eventually let words flow through them, feeling like a great speech is being given, or some scene from a movie, something important. Seek the balanced state between chaos and order, between planning out the words and making no sense. use the heart to direct it’s balance.

  2. Dear Rav,

    I’m working on developing practical means of dissemination. As of yet, I’m alone, trying to establish a “real group”. However, despite my difficulties, I notice a lot of learning and growth that is taking place as I journey forward…

    Examples are such that:

    An individual under my responsibility has shown extremely strong emotional connection with me. IE: He works easily with me and I grow with him as he with me without any exterior consultation. Simple skills such as handling a knife to cut are imbedded more deeply in his routine as he prepares his nightly supper.

    My desire is to provide the kind of “connection help” throughout communities and in extension– throughout the world

    Any groups that are further developed with this regard are appreciated by us here in Canada and I’m sure abroad.

    Thank you so very much for being here for us.


    Sandra Elaine Watson

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