Open The Door For The Light To Come In

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How can one affect his friends in practice so that they keep the correct intention during the lesson, especially when we are reading The Book of Zohar?

Answer: First of all, we have to support each other in our internal quest, our inner sensation, since this is what we call “mutual guarantee.” Without our mutual support, we won’t come to a state where we will feel the collective desire as our own.

It isn’t because the friends need me, but because I need them. These actions are much deeper than mere external support. Thereby, I awaken myself to an awareness that all this desire is my soul’s vessel.

Sometimes, I think about unity within the desires, but whether I understand it or not, I awaken the Light thereby; I perform the actions aimed toward unification of our spiritual vessels, desires. The Light is oneness, and if I don’t turn to it through a single desire or vessel, I don’t evoke the Light.

Therefore, I must think about the integral desire where we live in mutual bestowal and guarantee. Essentially, the guarantee is that very tiny opening through which we allow the Light to come in. In fact, the guarantee means that you are already bonded with the others in oneness similar to the oneness of the Light.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/15/2011, The Zohar

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