The Creator’s Family

Dr. Michael Laitman with StudentsQuestion: If I walk in faith above reason, does it mean that I am moved by the mind of the group?

Answer: There is no group outside of me. The group is “painted” within me like all the other realities. The notion of the group should be understood as something given from Above. In this way, the Creator is letting me see the friends so that by arranging my relationships with them, I would be able to construct my relationship with Him.

First of all, I yearn for the Creator. But He seems to be placing a condition before me: “Do you want to find a connection with me? Then please be pleasant and close to those who are close to Me. These people, the group I brought you to, are my family. Do you want to do something nice for Me? I will accept nothing from you, but watch how you treat them, what presents you give them, and how kind you are to them. Demonstrate your love to My family, and then you will become close and dear to Me.”

From this, it becomes clear whether you truly desire unconditional closeness with the Creator or act based on egoistic calculations. If you treat the friends well regardless of how you view them and become close with them, then you wish to be close with the Creator indeed. However, if you are unable to be close with them, then it is an egoistic motive which pushes you toward the Creator, and since it is not good for the Creator, you remain outside.

This is how we should view the entire world. The Creator offers us reality as a means to assist our correction and bring us into total equivalence with Him.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/10/10, “The Matter of Above Reason”

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