How To Go From A Corporeal Picture To The Spiritual One

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: When we read The Zohar, I am constantly picturing things in this world. What should I do?

Answer: That doesn’t matter. If you wish to see the Creator behind this corporeal picture, then it is a good thing. Gradually the corporeal pictures, such as "home," "Abraham," "plants," and "animals" will turn into a picture of traits and qualities. All the words will begin to give you a sensory impression because everything is, in fact, depicted within our feelings.

If you are only seeing corporeal images and pictures right now, it is because for the time being, you are living in the picture of this world that you are used to. However, the Light will gradually cause you to feel traits, qualities, and forces. Instead of words denoting people, inanimate objects, plants, and animals, you will begin to feel the qualities of each of them within you and the correlations between them. Then, you will begin to piece together the picture of these states from your inner, sensory impressions. This picture will be arranged in you from the qualities of all the details of the narrative.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/20/10, The Zohar

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