Waking Up To The True Reality

Dr. Michael LaitmanWhen we read The Zohar, we should imagine that we exist in two systems. One system, created by the Creator, is inalterable, and the only one that exists. It is called “the World of Infinity.”

As Baal HaSulam relates in “The Preface To The Book Of Zohar,” this state is constant. Since the Creator created and formed all of creation instantly in its final state with one thought, we exist there in His plan of creation which is “to please the creatures.” Baal HaSulam also explains in The Study of the Ten Sefirot, Part 1, Chapter “Inner Reflection,” the Plan of creation is enough for the Creator to create it.

The Creator realizes everything through one action. This reality is perfect and invariable, and there are no steps to achieving the desired state. We exist in this perfect state in all our perfection, the way the Creator initially intended us to be.

However, besides this perfect state, we, with respect to ourselves, also exist in another reality. We, as though, lost consciousness, no longer realizing that perfect reality in which the Creator created us.

These two states exist parallel to each other. Through our own efforts, we need to enter the sensation of the true reality. We do this by using the environment: the books, the teacher, and the group.

We need to wake up, to enter consciousness, to return to that true state in which we exist but do not feel with our corrupted senses. The science of Kabbalah is given to us so that while we exist in an unconscious state called “this world,” we can learn about that perfect reality. By trying to become similar to it through our mutual efforts, we can rouse a force from it, which is able to return us there.

This force is the Light that Reforms. This force will heal us and correct our egoism. Gradually, as though from non-existence, we will begin to feel true life. We will discover that we were “like in a dream.”

From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/7/10, The Zohar

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