Talks About A New Life, Episode 1

TV Program with Dr. Michael Laitman

“A New Life”

Episode 1 

With participation of Oren Levi
December 27, 2011
Petach Tikvah,Israel

 Joyful Torments of Birth

We are approaching a period of time when there will be many unemployed people. Presently, there are two hundred million jobless people in the world. During the next year this number will grow catastrophically. These people represent a huge problem for themselves as well as for society as a whole and for governments; the difficulties range from depression to potential bloody revolutions and wars.

This is why our organization is exploring integral educational opportunities and has prepared a course meant to train people who are jobless. We hope that our course will help them open their hearts to the changing world and will allow them to sense and better understand their personal place among their friends and family, in human society as a whole, in their countries, and within the contemporary world.

We strongly believe that such conversations are indispensable and that without them the world will rapidly roll into a cataclysm. Suppose we have already convinced the governments of countries and the whole world of the need to start teaching this course on a mandatory basis. Let’s imagine that some country approved this project because it valued its practical benefits and didn’t see any other way out. So, here is the first group of around 30-40 unemployed people who received government scholarships to study. What would I tell them at our first meeting to help them identify changes that are happening around them? How would I teach them to understand and rebuild their lives?

First of all, I would say, “I am very glad to meet you. Perhaps you consider your unemployment as a tragic event caused by adverse factors, and perhaps you wouldn’t have come to learn unless you were forced to by these circumstances. But we should view this state as joyful rather than a crisis.”

Let’s imagine that you were brought here not by the hardships you are experiencing, but rather because we all are on the threshold of a happy and joyful new life. For this, we have to understand what’s going on with each of us in particular and with the whole world in general, and discern why it is happening.

Is the situation you are going through a result of some unfortunate mistakes you made? Maybe it is a normal process that you couldn’t avoid? Did you have to go through these troubles because of some inevitable laws of nature? Did they result from a general developmental tendency that will eventually bring us to great results?

We call our situation a “crisis,” but in fact it’s a part of a general, global, integral predicament, which is taking place in the economy, education, culture, science, finances and in all layers of material human life. Actually, the word “crisis” doesn’t have a negative connotation. It signifies a new stage that is similar to birth.

Based on our life experience, we know that transitioning from one state to another is hard because we have to leave our comfort zone whether we are changing jobs or modifying any other sphere of life. Our habits tie us down. Staying within an operating system that works smoothly doesn’t require us to make much effort; this makes us happy because we resist change by nature.

Our ego pushes us to seek reliable and stable order. The transition to something new is always unpleasant. Well, unless we are absolutely sure that it promises a more pleasant future and it is readily attainable. But if it is a difficult and dangerous transition and the future is unclear and unpredictable, then it is a tragic state.

Therefore, let’s see whether our situation is really awful and tragic and we are on the verge of big problems, severe floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, riots, wars, revolutionary coups, and bloodshed in the streets—complete chaos, or is it just a new order and all that is happening to us now is like the birth of this order, which we do not yet see. Can we regard everything around us that forces humanity to make huge efforts and shed sweat as the birth of a new form? And like an infant during the birth process, we are passing through the difficult condition.

Before the delivery, a child grows peacefully inside his mother’s womb, a safe and protected place. Then the birth is triggered by a very “unpleasant” process. The mother feels immense tension and experiences contractions. The child also feels tremendous pressure. They start pushing each other to the extent as if they cannot tolerate being together any more.

The child senses that he has to exit his mother’s womb. If we translate this situation to our feelings, we’d say it is intolerable for this child to stay within his mother’s organism any longer; neither can she hold him within herself. As a result of such mutual repulsion, the process of delivery is initiated and the child is born to a wonderful, bright world that meets him with great love. Thus, he obtains a new life and arrives at a new stage of his existence.

Instead of being a piece of meat weighing several pounds, he stops being a creature that lives inside of somebody else’s organism and turns into a human being! It’s not important that he is still very small and doesn’t understand what’s going on; what matters is that he is born into a new life. It’s very similar to what is happening with us at this time. Our present state is similar to the birth pains of a new world.

Global Revolution

We have been through similar states at other times in history, although they were not as tragic or radical to justify calling them a “birth.” We regard them as developmental phases in the history of humankind.

However, our current state differs from the previous ones. Thus far, we have striven to reveal and attain new stages; we foresaw potential revolutionary life-changing conditions that were of a social, civic, or technological nature. Changes happened as a result of new breakthroughs: the discovery of new lands, inventions of innovative weapons, and implementation of new technologies such as the Internet that unveiled a totally new level of connection between us.

Nevertheless, those innovations were not global upheavals that addressed all levels of human life in all its spheres. They did not extend to all of mankind, to all countries and continents, to every family and every person, so that today they are universal.

Now, we are approaching this new birth and cannot state with confidence whether it is happening already or not, although we do see that we are coming closer to it. The crisiswe are going through is similar to the one that precedes delivery. It presses us more and more with each passing day, both individually and collectively.

We see that people: cannot live in peace within their families any longer, get divorced, avoid getting married, do not get along with each other, have no idea how to raise children, don’t know how to avoid employment problems and economic problems.

In all spheres of our existence, we suffer from an absence of understanding and lack of organization. We can call this situation a total revolution, a universal re-birth of humankind rather than an appearance in one separate state or community because this is happening on a global, integral scale and it relates to everybody. This situation has never happened before. The worse thing is that we don’t sense a future.

Before, upcoming social and economic structures seemed more advanced than the previous ones. For example, when slavery ended, it was followed by a more highly developed society. Although we have to admit that drastic changes triggered new revolutions, religious and civil wars, at the same time, people still anticipated a brighter future to come.

Some societies agreed with what they faced in the future, and some did not. Some countries went through transformations, but others did not. Presently, we all are going through a global process that has never occurred before.

Moreover, at this time, we all are witnessing comprehensive climate and ecological changes. Previously, dramatic climatic changes took place (global warming and cooling like the ice ages) and always caused vast changes in humankind.

Global cooling once led northern nations, like those in southern Siberia and Asia to migrate south toEurope. In the past, all revolutions occurred due to climate changes, new technologies, or countries that could no longer tolerate their heads of state.

At this time, all changes are happening simultaneously: environmental, ecological, and with the inner nature of man who is not able to be at peace with anything, people no longer can reconcile with the world.

Even the systems which we are totally dependent on are dysfunctional: the food industry, job market, families, education, and security, essentially everything that man needs in order to sustain life from generation to generation.

We have arrived at a general state of affairs in all spheres of our life where nothing works properly. And most importantly, we do not see in what form or how to proceed.

Is it possible to view our new stage and move towards it with understanding and awareness? Can we act as people with keen eyes? Are we able to look ahead and make sure that the path we have chosen is correct? Can we calculate our future beforehand?

If the answer is yes, then we can facilitate our advancement and avoid wandering in blindness; otherwise, we will be making mistakes and triggering new troubles.

If we continue acting blindly making global mistakes, things eventually will turn out terribly. We simply cannot continue sightless attempts and continue making errors any longer.

And this is why we started this educational course. Its task is to open people’s eyes and demonstrate to them the situation we are all in and most importantly to show them our future and to teach us how to transition from the existing state to the future.

In the Prenatal State

In order to understand and settle in the quickly changing modern world, we need to know the following: What are the changes we need to undergo and why do we need to make these changes? What is the reason for our current lack of success in everything we do? What is the means that will help us transition to the new state?

Can we regard our current state as prenatal, where the mother giving birth to us is nature, both our internal and external nature that is pressuring and forcing us to attain a new state?

Is this process natural for the development of humanity? After all, if we knew about it in advance, we would anticipate this process.

People, living in the times of slavery, did not know what would come from a new society that would give them some freedom. They thought that slavery was the most convenient state, since they didn’t need to worry about themselves. I am prepared to work when I know that someone will take care of my food and shelter. And there is nothing else that I need.

This is what a person thought when he became a slave. He expected the owner to take care of him and was ready to work for him. The owner was interested in providing the slave with food, shelter, normal living conditions, and good health since he gained more than he invested into the slave. So they coexisted on these mutually beneficial terms.

But suddenly it became clear that it was no longer beneficial for the owner to keep a slave who required an investment greater than the profit he brought in. But what if I were to give him freedom where we agree that he will remain close to me and continue to work, and from his work, I will receive a percentage: This is better than thinking about providing for him.

In this way society evolved to a new degree. Even today, we are on some stage of rational development towards a new state. Then why aren’t we able to see and plan for this new state?

We have enough great minds and vast experience from the entire history of mankind; we have science, scientists, and a highly developed world. Why do we suddenly become small, pathetic, blind, incapable of anything, in spite of our international committees and agencies, research institutes and universities, armies of psychologists, sociologists, economists, and financial experts?

With all this, there is nothing we can do. So what do our scientists lack to find the solution? It is so hopeless that you and I are now taking a class to find the solution. We can no longer rely on experience, now we have to artificially study this new life we are approaching.

Man’s Responsibility to Rebuild Society

Sometime in the past life, every person felt that he had had enough, he was done, it was time to make a revolution: change the environment and society. But it is not the same this time around. We understand that we need to change everything, but we do not know where to begin. We don’t know the means or the goal; we are completely helpless.

So let us begin our first conversation by discussing what we call the evolution of human society on which we base the development of nations, family, economy, the household,upbringing of children, culture, technology, and science.

People have been living in societies for hundreds of thousands of years. At least the past tens of thousands of years, man has been living a social life because he was not able to provide everything he needed on his own. We cannot live in small tribes, like animals. Even though we came from the animal level, our nature pushes us towards personal development, the development of our environment, learning about life and ways to improve it.

This is a person’s inner aspiration; it is an egoistic nature because everyone wants a better life for himself, a more confident and peaceful life. Everyone wants to have more success than others. Envy, lust, and ambition rule people, and we see that these qualities evolved and blossomed in very ancient cultures. They push us to develop.

This is why a person needs to live in a community. He could have survived in the woods, but he would have remained as an animal, like all other animals. We know of cases where children were lost in the woods and they grew up like animals. Animals adopted them, and the human took on the form of an animal to such a degree that he no longer is able to return to a human society, that is the extent to which he loses the human form.

This is why throughout all generations, our development has been directed towards society and the environment. And the further we develop, the more we see that man himself does not change very much. The major changes happen in society, and all development depends on it.

The person develops the society, and his personal life changes through the society. One depends on the other. Today I depend on thousands of people around the world, because if we were to look at what I am wearing, what I eat, what my house is made with, what my heating, air conditioning, and work depend on, we would not be able to find even one country, which did not participate in providing me with everything I have.

And when it does not happen directly, it happens through another several countries: one country supplies materials, another supplies machine parts, which produce certain goods, which in turn are used to make my clothes, for example. Studies show that everyone in the world depends on everyone else.

And the more the world delves into specialization where everyone’s work is connected and in harmony with all the other people, the more additional goods we can provide for ourselves, goods that were not available in the past.

In past centuries, a person provided a bit of bread, vinegar, wine and meat for himself, and that is it. Then there was a little more food, more clothes, more shoes, and many different industries. Then there were cars. And with that, experts developed in economics, agriculture, engineering, etc. Culture, literature, music, and songs developed.

Entire industries appeared around a person, things not even required for survival but which he can’t live without. A musician goes on stage and gives a concert in front of a thousand people who pay him more for that one performance than a working man makes in a month, or maybe even a year of really hard work. In other words, we value things that are not essential for us: sports, tourism.

If we were to look at how much of what we produce are actually necessities, we would discover that about 90% is unnecessary. But we still kind of need them. We feel that they belong to the human level, and this is why we need them.

Of course, I could also survive in a cave if I do not have another choice, but evolution obligates me to produce all these things.

We have reached a state where people who break away from society will be obligated to live a very meager life. The most he will be able to provide for himself are the very basic necessities, just not to starve to death. But if he wishes to receive everything that comes with civilization, he must join society, produce the goods that it needs, and then he will receive what he wants from the society to the extent it’s possible.

So, primarily we depend on society. This is inevitable. So, where did we go wrong in this society if we are now unable to live in it normally and are experiencing crises in this society and our lives. This crisis does not feel good; this is not yet the actual birth, but the birthing pains which precede it, and this is why we want to figure out what is wrong.

The End of Human Development or a New Beginning?

If we examine human development, it becomes clear that it stemmed entirely from our desire. Time after time, man desired more and more. Long ago we had small desires, like simple village folk: a few cows, a small piece of land to grow food to eat, a spouse and kids, and that was quite enough. The desire was small.

Then the desire began to grow. It pushed us to start selling our goods at the marketplace and in cities. And in return, we began to buy fine clothing and some special items that we didn’t have before. Man arrives in the city, sees some miracle machine for cultivating land, and begins to work even more diligently to acquire it. Or he borrows money from someone to first buy the machine and then returns the loan after he sells the harvest which is larger thanks to this machine. So we begin to develop and establish increasingly tighter bonds between us. Our ego grows and pushes us to develop.

This is the usual story of humanity based entirely on man’s developing desire: We want more and more, but why? Our desire grows. I don’t know why, but suddenly I feel that I want something more, and then more and more. I look at others and I see that everybody aspires to something. And I follow their lead because inside me there’s envy, lust, ambition, and the thirst to rule. I am interested in buying from them things that are useful to me, but I don’t want to be below them. After all, I have an ego of my own, and I don’t want to feel like I’m losing. I want to win!

If we consider human development in this vein, we’ll see that this is what drew us forward. We were always looking around us and learning from others. There were some among us with an active imagination capable of inventing and innovating technology, economics, medicine, and everything that could be used to benefit humanity and fulfill our desires. This is how we developed.

When the time came, we waged wars, conquered new territories and nations. Then the time came to discover new continents, develop technology and commerce. Then we went out into outer space and continued developing, until we found ourselves at a dead end. This is something humanity began to feel around 50-60 years ago.

Starting in the 1960s, intelligent people, engaged in the study of the environment, society, and the process mankind was undergoing, began to warn us that we have come to a dead end and were simply continuing to march in place. Something happened to us, and we could no longer see where to continue developing.

At the time, the space program allowed us to forget about it somewhat. But even the space program ended quickly. So what if we fly around the globe one more time, or fly to the moon again; we’ve done all that already, so what’s next? We’ve seen that it doesn’t help us much; all these things are on the still level, not even vegetative or animate. And we failed to locate any alien civilizations despite our hopes and dreams of finding intelligent life elsewhere.

And here is where we arrive at emptiness. We’ve developed to a point where we’ve got nowhere else to go; we don’t see any future prospects. Our inner nature, as well as the external nature, meaning the world that we feel around us, no longer opens itself for us. Whatever we’ve got, that’s it, and nothing more. And then the people that discovered this, such as sociologists and philosophers (Fukuyamaand others) began to warn us and write many books about it, calling it the end of humanity. On the other hand, other scientists claimed that the world develops cyclically.

The Broken Connection between Generations

Once we thought that human egoistic development could be infinite, that we would continue to invent wonderful new machines, that every person would have his own plane, and we would have unprecedented ways to connect. But eventually, the person consuming all these things suddenly discovers that he does not want any more of it; what is it all for? He feels emptiness and lack of fulfillment in all of this.

Why does it not bring him satisfaction? The problem is that the entire development happens through the desires, which are constantly growing. And suddenly they stopped growing! On the contrary, we feel many desires actually go backward.

Once a person wanted to have a big family, the bigger the better, many children, and even many wives. Then it became unnecessary; one wife and two children were enough, even one child was enough. And today he no longer wants even that. Life is becoming so hard and complicated that people do not want to leave their parents’ home in developed countries until they are 30-40 years old.

A person works and spends all his money on himself; why does he need a wife and children? He can travel, rest, have fun, and feel free. His mother takes care of him and he is happy.

We have built a society with such a developed infrastructure that we can buy prepared foods in supermarkets; just heat it up in the microwave and dinner is ready. There is no need to share an apartment with anyone; a person can have his own, and he feels free. And once I get old, I am entitled to a pension, medical insurance, hospital care, and a plot in the cemetery; what else is there for me? Is it worth spending my entire life working hard?

Our ego is becoming so huge that we feel incapable of connecting with others, investing our energy in them, caring for them so they later would care for us. I do not feel capable of connecting with anyone this much.

Or we have an opportunity to unite under mutually beneficial conditions, and my wife and I live as two friends, partners. Our life resembles more than just two people living together, a real family, as it used to be. I work, and she works. She does something around the house, and I do something. She pays and I pay.

We equally participate in everything. This is not the kind of family where the husband once was the master, the head of the household; he worked and provided for the wife who was at home bringing up the children. Now both of them leave home early, drop the children off at day care or kindergarten, come home at night, and pick up the children. And how much time do they have left at home? They almost do not even see each other. He watches a little television or sits at the computer, she quickly wipes a little dust, washes the dishes, throws the laundry in the washing machine, and that is it, the day is done.

Now they are completely equal, not like it used to be when one was higher and another was lower, where there was the head of the household, the master. In other words, family has lost its initial structure and has become a simple partnership. And if this is nothing but a partnership agreement, I will always try to see whether it benefits me. I enter this union if it is beneficial to me, and I leave it if it is not. And this is why people divorce and do not even wish to form these unions.

This is a fact. And we are studying the causes of it. Our ego has grown so much that it tells us that we should not enter the kind of partnerships called marriage.

A person’s ego has caused him to stop feeling that his children are close to him, like parts of his own soul. The children have their own lives; they study in places very far from us. The difference between the generations is becoming so huge that children are becoming completely separated from their parents. They have a different education, different interests, and they are so far from me that I can barely understand what they are speaking of, what they do, and what matters to them.

The connection between the generations has been broken. So, why would I even need these children? What pleasure is there in having them? They just want me to give them money and be quiet. We still enjoy them while they are little. But we lose any connection with them as they turn twelve.

In the good old days, a person would bring up his children, then he waited to have grandchildren and helped bring them up; he enjoyed them all. But I don’t have this today because my children do not want to marry and give me grandchildren.

A person doesn’t make these calculations consciously, but his lack of desire to have a family happens naturally based on our developed egoism.

We were developing demographically in a very rapid, exponential manner, and suddenly our development started to even out. Demographic specialists, who make prognoses for human development, predict that the number of people in the world will be undergoing a very sharp decrease in the near term. So far the population is still increasing due to a number of regions, mostly in Arabic countries, where there are still strong traditions and religious rules regarding developing and having many children.

But in developed Arabic countries, people now have 2-3 children instead of 10-15 children as it was before. So we see that they are quickly catching up to the rest of the world.

Divorcing the Whole World

We are witnessing a brand new and fascinating phenomenon: Our society is becoming integral. It’s no longer just about banks and industries establishing partnerships all over the world, exchanging raw materials, merchandise, food and so on. Today even the world’s cultures and education systems are merging into a single, universal blend. All these elements are interconnected and interdependent in every way.

It’s no accident that modern media has made it possible for us to stay abreast of everything that’s happening in the world. In and of itself the knowledge doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but it already makes us dependent on one another. If this dependence exists in a good, tight family, then it’s for the benefit of all, as it gives confidence and pleasure. But if it’s not a good dependence, then the family falls apart.

The problem is we quite simply cannot divorce one another, precisely because we’re united on the global scale. We may hate and reject one another, but we’re entirely dependent on one another at the same time. Nature has imprisoned us on this earth, this tiny surface, and we have nowhere to run from one another.

With each passing day our interdependence grows stronger. When people or nations conflicted in the past, the worst they could do is kill one another. Today, however, if we begin to fight, we will take down the whole world with us, as the modern weapons at our disposal will destroy all living things. It follows that we are entirely dependent on everybody else in all aspects, both good and bad.

This is a big problem because our ego feels no fear and refuses to compromise in any way. The ego grows and develops, but our reason does not evolve with it. As our weapons grow in destructive force, we remain filled with envy, thirst for power, cruelty and the like. This mutual hatred clouds our minds, and if it continues we could easily end up destroying everything.

We see that nature is bringing us to greater mutuality and interdependence, which we cannot escape, like a family that cannot get divorced. So what do we do about it? We must find a solution. And the solution is both clear and unequivocal: to restore peace “in the family,” in our home, between all nations and all people. This mustn’t be done via aggression, but in a way where everyone does their part with complete integrity.

By actualizing this one solution, on which our survival hinges, we will undoubtedly see exactly how to organize everything in the world and the relationships between us with the globe living as one society. We will realize what everybody needs to complement everybody else. We will know how to educate ourselves, the “grown-up children,” and the actual children, the next generation, to make it easier for them to enter into a good, warm, gentle world. We will know how to make sure that no one will be able to stir humanity against itself going forward.

Many scientists are talking about the fact that the world has become round due to its interdependence, that we cannot run away from one another, and that, on the contrary, our interdependence is constantly growing moment by moment, day by day. They warn us of the dangers of adopting policies of protectionism and isolation in an effort to disconnect one nation from another.

The reason is that such attempts oppose the process we’re undergoing from the time we became human to this day. Looking at human history, it’s clear that any attempts to go against the laws of nature have never been successful, and that’s putting it mildly.

This behavior is tantamount to knowing but not observing the laws of physics; the upshot is that I cause immediate harm to myself. All the technology, science, and wisdom we have compiled amounts to us learning to follow the laws of nature. We upgrade our tools of research to discover more of nature’s laws with the aim of using them for our benefit.

The better we know nature’s laws, particularly those that pertain to the environment, society, humanity, and human and social psychology, the better we’ll be able to actualize them in our relationships, and the more we will gain thereby. The only other option is to initiate a “divorce” and all that it entails which means a world war, which could be the end of all mankind on earth.

The Need to Follow the Laws of Nature

So far we have been discussing the process we are undergoing, where we actually are, and the opportunities that lie before us. We can see a lot of proof in literature about this, and there is plenty of opportunity for discussion, so we will gradually get back to this.

But the first introductory part of the course is intended to give us a general view of the development of our desires throughout our entire journey through history so that we can understand where we came from and when these desires become global. They have us closed in through common interdependence, and we have become one family on the verge of breaking.

Essentially, the crisis is happening in the family called humanity. And by fixing the relationship between us, we would fix all of life. There are some amazing studies, which assert that if people were to start treating each other like family then even nature, the climate, and other natural phenomena would also normalize.

Today many scientists are already discovering a connection between human society and other levels of nature: the still, vegetative, and animate. Animal and plant life will feel a big positive effect.

We need to explain to ourselves that we have no choice; we must come to negotiations and mutual understanding on a global scale. This is the first thing we must do.

Question: You have said that there are laws of nature, which pertain to human and social psychology, and we would achieve a good life if we were to follow them. What does this mean? I understand the laws of gravity.

Answer: We are also talking about the laws of inner, human nature: a person’s psychology, the psychology of the society and the family, relationships between parents and children, and relationships between children. It is necessary to know the psychology of all human relations, human animal nature: the small and the big, parents and children, the old and the young, all the human layers, in all directions. If I know human nature and the way to fix the relationships between us, I will be able to build a human society where everyone will be comfortable and happy.

Everyone will have to compromise. After all, everyone wants to be the king and to be worshipped by others. On the other hand, if we were to educate a person that he benefits and gains respect, support, and assistance when he is on equal terms with others, then he would gladly accept this. He will see that in a system where everyone depends on each other things cannot be any other way. We will have to achieve this by convincing people.

It is clear that the human ego will constantly try to fight it and will wish to rule over others. But on the other hand, there will be public opinion. After all, the environment has a strong influence on him and educates him. If society wanted to, it could keep a person inside a framework and protect him in order to prevent his ego from coming through. And when a person uses his ego for the good, he would be treated well by the environment and everyone in it.

Public opinion and the influence of society should immediately become the dominant and binding determinant.

What Should I Take With Me to theNew World?

Question: What laws of nature are we referring to?

Answer: The first requirement for observing the laws of nature is studying the human being, his environment, and their influence on each other.

This also pertains to the laws of nature because we are a part of nature. So first, man needs to be studied. Every person must be a psychologist, both for himself and for human society, to know how to coexist with others and avoid throwing themselves at people without thinking about the consequences.

We first learn who man is, a human being, why we develop the way we do, and whether we have the ability to resist the development of the crisis. Will it benefit us to stop it? Maybe nature is advancing us towards something new, something even better? We simply need to understand what it is pushing us towards and willingly move towards this goal.

We also need to understand why we cannot see this future picture now. We used to always see a future, and developed according to our aspiration to reveal something new and rise higher. But today it is the other way around, we are becoming disappointed and constricted; we no longer want anything.

This form must be useful and desirable for future development, where we need to abandon our current state and rise to a completely different one. This is why we feel so much disappointment, tiredness, and weakness in relation to our current state, we do not wish to continue and remain in it.

The next state must be very different. It is like leaving the past, diving into a ritual purifying pool, getting washed, putting on new clothes, and coming out into the new world! We no longer wish to be connected to this world, we have soiled it enough; we have been divorced and harmed ourselves and others, those near and far from us.

If we were to take a critical look at this world, we would see that there is nothing in it we could take with us to the new good world. What would I want to take with me from this life when a beautiful perfect world awaits me? Do I have a family I could take? No. Children, friends, and work: no, no, and no. So what can I take then when I am switching to a perfect life?

This is why we critically reevaluate our entire life and overall do not find anything in it but disappointment. But maybe it is some kind of a transition toward a completely different state? But we don’t yet see it, and on the other hand we are already disappointed with what we currently have and no longer want it.

We do not see a solution for the current situation. This situation is happening around the world; more and more people are living in the moment without even planning for the future, following the principle of: We live because we live.

This is a special state; this is why we need to learn from our small experiment, where it is as if we were abandoning our entire past life and moving into a new dimension, a new level of existence. We are jumping to a new degree, being born in a new world.

There are other integral laws operating in this world; nature is already beginning to show us the interdependence of everyone and everything in a closed round world, a world of equality and connection, with laws that exist in a good, close-knit family. This is what we seem to be coming to now.

We will check: Is this just a dream or is humanity really moving forward; we must come to this either consciously or through forces that will obligate us.

Naturally, it will benefit us to study all these laws, since we will know how to transition from one state to another in the most favorable way. Until now we were developing by nature pushing us from behind, by adding new desires to the ones we already had.

But not today, today we have come to a dead end and we must evaluate our next step on our own: its purpose, the reason for it, and how to take it. Once we reveal it and see this new life, we will also need to look for ways to attain it.

In contrast to the past generations where the times of transition from one state to another and from one social formation to another occurred by instinctive development, today we must develop consciously. Our job is to understand nature and its laws, and we will transition to a new state once we carry out these laws with understanding and the knowledge of ourselves and of human society. It is as if we were giving birth to ourselves.

This time we must be on top, so we could look at ourselves and our state from above. This has never existed before. We have always flowed with the current of life, on and on: another revolution, another new car, and another new opportunity. But today we must rise above this life in our awareness to see the entire planet and all of human society with a global view, from above, and then we will evolve further.

This is the first time that nature demands us, all of us together and every one of us individually without exception, to attain the precise understanding of who we are, the world in which we exist, and the state towards which we are developing. This is the first time that I am required to be human, one who understands and knows the essence of life.

This is why our course is not only intended to simply occupy your time, but it must help us completely change our lives and raise it to a new level, towards perfection.

Dynamics of the Development of Mankind

We see laws by studying human psychology and a person’s place in the common picture of the still, vegetative, and animate levels of nature; we see the laws and we must advance according to them. We are a part of nature, the result of its development. We are not outside of it.

Psychology is the science of human behavior and it’s also a part of the laws of nature. It’s a very important part of nature, even though it has only existed just over one hundred years. But it’s true that only one hundred years ago we started to feel that we have an ability to evolve in a special, individual, conscious form with the understanding of where I come from, who I am, and how I treat others and why.

Until then only novels spoke of a person’s behavior. But one hundred years ago, essentially not all that long ago, we started studying why a person behaves a certain way and from where this behavior comes. This refers to studying laws that pertain to people. This is why psychology is very important. It helps me understand: who I am, who others are, and how I can build a happy life between us.

If we are a family living in one room called planet Earth, and we depend upon each other, then we don’t have any another choice; we must reach an agreement. And psychology helps us reach peace in the family. This is referred to as observing the laws of nature.

Moreover, there are laws on the still level of nature studied by physics, laws of the vegetative nature studied by biology and botany, and there is the animal nature studied by zoology. All these are laws of nature’s behavior on the still, vegetative, and animate levels, the behavior of elementary particles, molecules, cells, and bodies, their interaction, etc.

A person’s behavior we study in psychology, the science of human nature. And nature demands of us according to our development. When we look at the growth of children, we know how they are supposed to develop every year. What is developing in them? It’s their nature. We know what a child is supposed to be able to do at the age of one, two, three, etc. Each year, a person goes through development in his understanding, comprehension, behavior, and develops physically, physiologically, psychologically, and mentally. This is referred to as the law of the development of nature.

It’s a law because we can say that a two-year-old child is supposed to have a certain weight, height, and have certain skills. The numbers are different for a three-year-old. How do we know what he will be like at three? We are familiar with the law of development, the dynamics, meaning the process. This is called the law of nature. There is nothing we can do different here because this development is instilled inside a person.

We study the laws of nature; we are part of nature. There is a certain motor inside us that develops us; it develops every person throughout the seventy years of his life and all of us over the entire course of history. Now as we look back, we can analyze why we developed the way we did from year to year, from one epoch to another, and we can identify the driving force behind our development and what was happening.

There can be an entire evaluation about the history of mankind. Not just regarding what happened and when, but why it happened, what made it happen. Humanity is like a child who develops according to certain laws. When an animal has a pup, I know how the puppy is supposed to develop. And if I don’t know, then I take it to a specialist who does, a veterinarian. All of this is referred to as knowledge of the laws of nature. And human society has the same laws; they are called sociology. Everything submits to the laws. We simply don’t know nor understand them very well as these are very young sciences. But to the extent of our knowledge, we see that everything submits to strict laws that exist everywhere.

There is an inner, social development instilled in human kind. Its inner data determines how it will develop, how it will build its society, build itself. And time, which affects this inner data, develops us in a certain way. When a child is given food and care, he will develop yearly. Is food developing him? No, food is just nutrition which helps develop the inner genes, which develop a child into a person.

Nothing accidental happens during a child’s development from the initial drop of semen. We know ahead of time that this drop of semen will develop into a body that will be born and become a person. All this comes out of the informational genes, the certain data instilled within it, which then develop through external nutrition. And all this happens in accordance with the laws. And we see the same in the development of human society.

The Universe of Infinite Wisdom

Question: I understand how an infant develops. But who knows what genes exist in human society? No one has ever seen how it develops, nor was anyone able to collect data and assert how it will develop going forward. Humanity is our only child, and this is how it grows.

Answer: We can analyze and examine the past, study the developments in philosophy, sociology, and psychology, and this allows us to detect a consistent process and its driving causes. We don’t see future prospects very clearly, but judging by our present state we can still deduce where it will lead us. As with all things, we’re always extrapolating the past into the future.

Nature demands that we observe its laws. Nature is the general organism, which encompasses the still, vegetative, animate and human degrees of development. Everybody goes through this development. First it was the Earth, followed by the plant kingdom, followed by the animals, and finally humans.

This development began with the Big Bang and has been continuing via increasingly greater unification. In every instance, the unification of various parts leads to the creation of increasingly complex and unique organisms, both in terms of quantity and quality.

At first there was only inanimate matter, but then its parts suddenly began to grow acquiring a kind of life, their own individual development. The development then reached the animate degree at which animals develop even more individually. The animate degree was followed by man. These are the results of Nature’s development.

Obviously, this development has its own laws, which we can see by looking at the past. The question is whether we understand them? It appears that we don’t, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.

As a scientist, I study nature and the way it develops, developing me as its component thereby. Indeed, even with all our scientific achievements, man can never be above Nature.

We exist in a certain closed sphere that we call “the Universe,” we study where we are and the kind of laws that act here within this sphere. This sphere is infinite, boundless, and filled with unlimited wisdom. And all we’re doing is scraping up paltry crumbs from this wisdom: This is what our entire science is based on.

We don’t study anything other than nature, and within this sphere we also learn something about ourselves. We see that we cannot take control of our lives, and for this, clearly we must study the laws of nature. It’s good that unpleasant problems push us toward attaining Nature; at least, the motivation is to improve our lives.

Conclusion to the First Lesson

So far this is only the beginning. To conclude our first lesson, we all need to agree that we exist in nature. We can imagine it as a closed sphere, a circle, inside which we live. Absolute laws operate inside this sphere, and they govern us.

We discover a part of these laws as we evaluate nature, and we call it science. But undoubtedly 99.9% of these laws remain unknown; we are not yet able to reveal them.

Usually, knowing the laws of nature helps us make a better life. Look at all the useful things around your house: television, the Internet, a washer and a dryer; You have it all. Compare how comfortable your life is in relation to a person who lives in a tiny forgotten village, who gets his water from a well, cooks over fire, and washes his clothes is a washtub.

We do all these things in a matter of seconds without any effort. Instead of a well, I have a faucet in the wall, all the comforts at home, which help me exist without much effort. This way I can live without doing much additional work, like was required to manage in the former, rural life.

In other words, our development frees a person to do other things, things that are far from providing life’s necessities. But the question is, why after having achieved such a developed life has it become so cruel, empty, leading us to despair, instilling uncertainty, fear, and anxiety in us?

What have we done with the time freed through technological and social development that could create such a wonderful addition to our lives? Instead of a calm and peaceful, although physically difficult, rural life, we have landed in a modern jungle.

Why do we waste the energy and time freed up by the development of technology on making such a hard and complicated life for ourselves? Maybe it is time to stop? Maybe now it is time to move on to a completely different life: like leaving our village again for a new, more appealing life.

We need a couple of hours to provide what we need for our existence, the things we needed to provide back in the village, and let us dedicate the rest of our time to the soul, let’s give it other things to do! Maybe we will manage to correct our lives this way?

I complete our first conversation with this question….