Entries in the 'News' Category

The Golden Reserve of Israel


Comment: I have a friend. He is 40 years younger than me, but is a very close friend of mine. He is currently fighting in Gaza—he is a paratrooper. From time to time he listens to our broadcasts. He left me a message on WhatsApp and asked me to ask you a question. Generally, his feeling is close to the feeling of all those who are at war.

Here is what he says: “We have become different, there has been a shift in thinking. There are 300,000 of us who have fought and are fighting, and we do not just talk about national unity, we really want it.

Whoever has not experienced what unity is like will not understand. It is when your brothers are next to you, and you can calmly give your life for them. We are all different, and we are brothers.

Then we come back to civilian life and nothing has changed there. Nothing! The same false patriotism in the Knesset, on television, the same shouts in the streets, in traffic jams. And it turns out that we are returning to the same country as it was before October 7th before the war.

There are many of us, a million with our families, those who really want unity. We are a force! This is happening for the first time ever. This cannot be missed! What to do?”

These are indeed a million people who are completely involved in this. It is like a call to some movement.

My Response: This should be a socio-political movement specifically of those who have fought.

Question: Specifically those who have felt what unity is like?

Answer: Yes, typically, such people are the ones who create new movements.

Question: What advice do you have about where to start? Something step by step. They have this desire, they are all passionate about it. The war is still going on. It is still unknown how long it will last. And they do not want to see this disorder, the instability that is here. They want to feel unity. They have felt what it is like and they want to live like that!

Answer: They want to live like that because there is a lack of an idea in our life.

Comment: Exactly! They have been captivated by this idea of unity. He feels brothers! He knows what mutual guarantee is. From the heart, not just with words.

My Response: My hands drop when I look at what is happening and when I think about them.

Comment: This is the country’s gold reserve. Probably the most precious thing that has been created during the entire existence of the State of Israel! How can we not squander this precious thing? If you could hear how he talks! He says this choking. He left a voice message on WhatsApp.

My Response: I believe that the only thing we have is to create a new Israel from these guys. That is all. Exactly from them.

Question: So must there be some will from the politicians to meet the guys like that? Or should there be the will of the people for these guys to replace all the old folks, replace all the politicians?

Answer: I think we would find all this among these guys.

Question: Would we find both politicians and everyone else among them?

Answer: Yes, we should not bring anyone from the old guard, from the outside. We must not. Look at what they babble on television!

Question: Yes, that is why there is this outrage among these guys that you come back home and it is like you are returning to pre-war times with demonstrations and everything. So do we need to build a new country from them?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Who will let them into this structure? Or should they themselves create such a movement; what do you think?

Answer: They should create such a movement themselves, socially and politically. They all need to come together and outline a clear plan of action.

Question: Do they have the mind for this?

Answer: I do not know, it is very difficult. Because they have to stand up to our “wise” politicians.

Question: Yes, and they are very wise to just take and play everything like that. Under the carpet, as they say.

So, is all this wisdom of a politician and wisdom of an economist largely unnecessary? The wisdom of a Knesset member…

Answer: No, only mutual connection is needed.

Question: And then wisdom will come?

Answer: Then everything will come.

Question: So if they carry this flag of unity further and further, then specialists in economics, diplomacy, and politics will be born here, right? From their movement, they will be able to put forward such guys?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And professionalism, years, experience is not important here?

Answer: Nothing.

Question: Do you attach such importance to simply this state of unity, which is the basis for everything?Can the country be built on this foundation?

Answer: Yes.

Question: One more question. We always talk about the higher power, about the Creator. Where is the Creator in all this?

Answer: The Creator is in people.

Question: So this desire for unity…

Answer: This is the Creator within them.

Question: Then it will happen that trouble will recede, sooner or later peaceful times will come, etc. Do you think they will be able to maintain this state?

Answer: No one knows. No one knows if they will achieve anything let alone maintain it.

Question: Is this unity in the face of an enemy? Is this unity against someone?

Answer: Yes.

Question: You always talk about unity, which is above egoism, above everything. Not just against someone, but unity for the unity of the country, for peace. Can this combat unity evolve into the unity you are talking about?

Answer: No, I don’t think so. They will not have the foundation for that.

Question: What foundation should there be?

Answer: The foundation should be that they strive in their unity to rise to a spiritual level. Otherwise, they will not sustain this unity.

Question: Does this come with the will of the Creator?

Answer: This is the will of the Creator, but for this, they must be able to understand it, join it, and accept it. It is possible! And it is with us, somewhere nearby, within these guys. But can we realize it?

Question: Should this fear be constant? Right now, as you speak, I feel a tremor, hoping that this will happen to them, that they can!

Answer: I don’t know. We need leaders, serious leaders, who can uplift them.

Question: Those who know that there will be conflicts and how to rise above them, and so on?

Answer: Yes, wise leaders are needed for this, leaders who will come and work with these guys.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/19/24

Related Material:
Correction Lies In Unity
The New Role of Israel
Israel’s Role In The World

Julia Roberts’ Sensational Statement

294.3We overlay our faces with tons of make-up. We get Botox and even starve ourselves to become that perfect size. We try to fix something but you can’t fix what you can’t see. It’s the soul that needs the surgery (Julie Roberts).

Question: Why does the question about the soul not arise in people immediately? We gradually age, we are not as beautiful, we do not play as much, and so on, and the question about the soul suddenly begins to awaken. Why then and not earlier?

Answer: A woman has many such strings and connections to our external world. She must look good, she must attract, she must entice. She must be relatively successful in her career. And so on. That is, she has many more worries. This is until about 50, even maybe until 60 years old.

Then, the regret begins: “Where is my soul? Where did I lose it along the way and what should I do with it? I cannot be the same as I was at 20, of course.”

Question: But through the soul, maybe I can?

Answer: Through the soul, yes.

Question: So this moment is very important for her, the transition from external to internal, as she says, to the soul?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: This of course is hugely popular on the internet. There are millions of views when Hollywood stars and famous people suddenly start talking about the soul.

My Response: Because such a person who has achieved relative success in life, shows to all others that despite all his achievements, fame, money, and so on, his connection with the meaning of life, with the Creator, still needs correction. This means a lot. Dozens, hundreds, millions of women follow her. But, of course, it is all relative.

Question: What does “working on the soul” mean to you?

Answer: Working on the soul for me means that a person begins to constantly, every minute, ask himself throughout the day, every day: “What about my soul? What about me? Where am I?” Here one’s need for the Creator, begins to unfold, the need to unravel the mysteries of the universe, its purpose, and its puzzles. And so on.

Question: So, is this called “working on the soul”?

Answer: Yes, who am I? What am I here for?

Question: Julia Roberts continues: “How can you expect someone else to love you if you don’t love yourself? You have to be happy with yourself. It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, it’s what’s on the inside that counts.”

What does it mean to love myself?

Answer: To love myself means to love what I am filled with, what I think, what constitutes the meaning of my life, its fulfillment, and so on.

Question: To love my thoughts, etc.?

Answer: Everything except one’s appearance.

Question: When a person feels emptiness inside, as she says, what should they do? What does “I am empty” mean?

Answer: They need to urgently clarify the meaning of life for themselves.

Question: Does emptiness awaken for this purpose?

Answer: Yes, this is a serious question!

Question: Is this a good state?

Answer: I would gladly find myself together with her in a television studio or somewhere else to talk with her.

Comment: There is indeed a lot to talk about the soul and emptiness.

My Response: There is a lot to talk about, but it is unlikely that it will turn out as it should.

Question: Does emptiness arise in a person who is already fulfilled, when such a demand arises?

Answer: When there is a demand without an answer. But I would have had to rescue her. There would be no conversation. It would have turned out that it is not nice to leave her in such a state, that I cannot ask sharp questions, and so on.

Question: So would you still corner her first?

Answer: I would a little, on the edge. But then I would yield all the time.

Question: Is this the right way to conduct a conversation with people? Do you first ask questions, corner them a bit, and then help?

Answer: Yes. But very cautiously.

Question: She continues: “Today, I declare: I will no longer wear makeup, I do not want to wear someone else’s face. I am well aware I have wrinkles but I want to see beyond that. I want to embrace the real me and I want you to embrace who you are, the way you are, and love yourself just the way you are.”

When a woman decides to age naturally, is this the right decision?

Answer: No, a woman should always maintain herself as she has always desired. But there is no need to spend more time in front of the mirror now than before. This still elicits a different response from others.

Question: What if a woman still does a little grooming?

Answer: If a woman is beautiful, if she is attractive and knows how to present herself and is not someone neglected or downtrodden…

Comment: So, a little make-up is okay?

My Response: This is the right thing to do. She is not doing it for herself but for others. Before, she did it for others but for herself. So, it all depends on her worldview.

Question: Accepting a person as they are. If you were to say, “Accept me as I am,” what does that mean?

Answer: I am accustomed to being in this form. So if I needed to appear before a million people, I would go out like that too.

Question: This is external. What about internally?

Answer: Internally, a person should always be himself provided that he is understood correctly.

Question: So, does this external aspect exist, do I still think about people around me after all?

Answer: Of course. After all, I speak differently with children than with adults, and so on.

Question: Saying “Hello,” “Goodbye,” being polite, and so on, is it necessary?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Julia Roberts continues: “You have no idea how much money cosmetic companies make on you. They have managed to convince you that you urgently need to invest finances to delay what is inevitable.”

Should I even care about how they profit from me, or shouldn’t I?

Answer: What matters to me is what I want. If I want to achieve this goal, if this goal is achieved through makeup, through performing in front of an audience, and so on, then I do it. The goal and its achievement are what matter.

Comment: Julia Roberts concludes: “I choose to say to myself: stop! The external shell is the last thing we should care about. Only our soul matters. Remember this forever.”

My Response: Of course. Having lived the life she has, any woman can say this. And then she can finally calm down.

But in general, of course, you still need to try to maintain the style, the level that people ask of you, demand of you, in order to convey to them some of your new messages and wishes.

Question: Even in order to convey this message about the soul to them?

Answer: Yes, you still need to do it while remaining yourself, in good shape.

Question: Is that why we need our external shell?

Answer: Yes.

Question: When ancient texts, for example the “Song of Songs” talk about how a woman dresses up before her master, what is it saying there?

Answer: Of course about inner beauty.

Question: What did King Solomon write about when talking about the woman who waits for her beloved?

Answer: He wrote about the female part of humanity, so to say “female,” which should approach the male part of humanity and in the right connection between them reveal the Creator.

Question: So basically, it is a song of songs to the Creator?

Answer: Yes. Of course! “Song of Songs” is the highest song! That is why it is called the “Song of Songs.”

Question: If we draw such a conclusion: external, internal, a woman who should always remain beautiful—what does that mean? How to achieve that?

Answer: I do not know. I do not equate appearance with inner achievements.

A person spends 50, 60, or 70 years of their life absorbing and creating within him the right vessel for sanctifying the Creator through him. It is his job. So what does external makeup have to do with it?

Comment: But still, you said that if we are talking about a woman, then a woman should maintain herself.

My Response: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/26/24

Related Material:
The Beauty That Has Been Imposed On Us
Youth And Beauty Of The Soul
Every Woman Can Be Beautiful

What Would We See if We Lived only One Day

448.2Question: A one-day butterfly landed on a perennial plant and started to admire everything it saw: “The sun is so kind and beautiful! The dew is amazing! And what a meadow! And the sky! And the air!”

“Never mind, butterfly,” said the perennial plant, “tomorrow, you will get used to all of this.” “There will be no tomorrow for me,” the butterfly replied and closed its eyes forever. And the perennial plant suddenly realized that in a thousand years it had not seen what this butterfly saw in just one day of its life.

What do we, who live so long, not see?

Answer: We do not see the most important thing: the beginning and the end.

Comment: We see the beginning. Here is the beginning: a child is born. That is the beginning for us.

My Response: That is when he is born. But when we are born, we do not see it. And it is the same when we die.

Question: What if we saw it?

Answer: It would be a complete cycle.

Comment: But still, this perennial plant, living for a thousand years, did not see what the butterfly saw in one day.

My Response: Because it saw the transition from birth to death.

Question: Tell me, what should we see if we lived only one day? Beside this transition, what else should we see? It saw the transition, and then what?

Answer: It would have explained a lot to us: why we are born, why we die, and how to approach these events correctly.

Question: When I know I have only one day, what does that give me?

Answer: Then you know that you are fully in this day. You hold on to it. You try to “drink up” everything it has.

Question: What is in it?

Answer: There is a connection between the past and the future. Mostly this connection gives a person an understanding of what life means. Otherwise we live as if we do not feel where we are.

Question: So this is not life?

Answer: It is not life. It is not life when you feel that everything is flowing away from you. But when you want to hold onto every moment as if it is the last, then that is life. You want to drink it up, gasping for breath! You want to absorb it all in you from beginning to end and everything in between!

Question: So, the question is: what does it mean to live this moment correctly?

Answer: To live it correctly means to attain it. Life is a moment. Who controls it?

Question: Do we need to attain it?

Answer: Yes, and then, why was it given to me? What should I have done? What didn’t I do? Maybe I still have this opportunity?

Question: Are you talking about constantly working at this moment?

Answer: Yes, at this moment. One moment.

Question: Then there will be the next, and I ask the same questions and move forward in the same way?

Answer: I do not know if there will be a next one. It is unknown.

Question: So this is how I live this moment?

Answer: Yes.

Question: A person does not live like that, right?

Answer: A person does not live like that, but he should!

Question: Will we be taught to live like that in some way?

Answer: No. I think it is already included from the start. That is how humans are.

Comment: That is, we are controlled in such a way that this apparatus is turned off: our reason, all these questions. And we live like that and keep living.

My Response: The Creator intentionally made it so.

Question: Why did He do that?

Answer: So that He would not have to ask us too many questions.

Question: Would He have asked otherwise?

Answer: Of course!

Comment: So: “Why do you live? Why do you live every moment? Who controls the world?” And so on, and so forth.

My Response: Yes, if He had practically placed His own reasoning, the beginning, the end, all actions, etc. in the creation, and we would have to answer that…

Question: So, what you were just saying is like the questions the Creator would ask if He were in the place of creation? Can we say that?

Answer: Yes, these are the questions I would ask Him.

Question: So these are the questions we would ask Him if we were His true creation?

Answer: Yes.

Question: What should a person understand?

Answer: A person should understand that there is still a mystery in life that they must constantly uncover. Not that someone once uncovered it and now they can read and know, but they must dig into themselves, into life, into the Creator, and search.

Question: And you call this the real life of a person?

Answer: That is life.

Question: Where will they reach if they keep moving like this, if these are their steps?

Answer: Everyone will reach something of their own. Everyone has their own specific task in life!

Question: Do they have to come to this task, to their root, somehow?

Answer: They are pushed toward it, but whether they go there afterward I do not know. No one knows. The Creator. And even beforehand, it may not be known.

Question: So, it all depends on the Creator whether I go or not—completely everything?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Should I turn to the Creator: “Reveal my path to me”? Or is it pointless?

Answer: Ask!

Question: My prayer is to live my life correctly, properly, is it so or not?

Answer: It should be.

You must live in such a way that every moment you try to uncover the mystery of life.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/19/24

Related Material:
Life Is a Moment
Live One Day
How Can We Feel the Benevolence of the Creator?

Build Happiness

294.2Question: There is a holiday called the International Day of Happiness. Probably the idea is that there is not much happiness and maybe you can celebrate somehow in one day. It is a fact that people are less and less happy. How do you think one can become happy?

Answer: I do not think that is possible.

You can only build or create happiness. There is relative happiness when I give way to my life partner, and he gives way to me, when we think about each other so that the other will be happy; it is all about the little things. And just like that, we gradually get used to wishing others happiness every minute, every half hour, every hour.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 3/18/24

Related Material:
How Can We Be Happy?
International Day Of Happiness
Find The Formula For Happiness

Which Is Higher: Duty or Love?

627.1Comment: An older man visited a nurse to have his stitches removed after surgery. Everyone was busy. He asked, demanded, and begged to be taken care of quickly. He said: “I need to get to the hospital in time to feed my sick wife. She has Alzheimer’s disease.”

An elderly nurse immediately freed herself and said: “She will probably be worried if you are late. I will do everything quickly for you.”

He replied: “No, she has not recognized me for the last five years.” 

The nurse asked, “So what is your hurry if she does not know who you are?”

He replied: “It does not matter that she does not know who I am, I know who she is.”

My Response: Indeed.

Question: What supports a person who receives nothing in return: no gratitude, no smile, nothing? Opposite him is his beloved and that is it. Is that what supports a person? She does not even recognize him.

Answer: The man knows it is his duty.

Question: Can you continue like this, knowing it is a duty and you are getting nothing in return?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can this be called love?

Answer: This is more than love.

Question: What is love to you, and what is duty to you in this case?

Answer: Duty is higher than love. Love dictates your actions because that is how you treat a person, with love. Duty is what you are obligated to do above love. In this case, it is already measured by responsibility.

Love obligates you to behave this way. When it is not love, but duty, you must aim yourself correctly.

Comment: He is alive, but she seems to barely exist. He has some kind of life, but directs his whole life to her, running to her all the time.

My Response: What keeps him going is that he cares about her.

Comment: Even when people would not give him a little support by saying: “What a great guy!”

My Response: No, that doesn’t matter to him.

Question: Can we say that he is approaching pure bestowal?

Answer: I don’t think so. When he feeds her, it fills him up.

Question: That is, the fact that he fulfills his duty is his life, right? Is this fulfillment?

Answer: Yes, by lying in her hospital bed without recognizing anyone, she holds all her relatives together.

Question: When a person is given such strength and duty in his life, can this only come from above? Is it humanly possible to do this?

Answer: No, it is from above.

Question: Can we say that the Creator is there with them? While the man cares for her like this, is the Creator there?

Answer: The Creator is generally everywhere, but especially in such actions.

Comment: Our time is such…. It was time when I visited nursing homes, and they told me: “Children have not come here for a long time.” Older people have been there a long time.

My Response: This is the selfishness of sons, daughters, and relatives.

A hospital, by the way, is a recent invention.

Question: Yes, before everyone was home. It was probably right to be at home?

Answer: I think people would recover faster.

Question: Can we live like this for a long time, with love and giving? Can we come to this and be fulfilled with it?

Answer: Yes. So it will be.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/19/24

Related Material:
A Major Illness Is Not a Sentence
How Not To Become A Burden For Loved Ones
Nobility Is Inherent in Us

Why Don’t We Hear the Creator?

294.4Shakura writes:

I live in Kazakhstan. I am a person of a completely different upbringing and religion. But I can no longer live without your programs because they put me in an extraordinary peaceful set of mind.

When I hear you say “the Creator,” I immediately agree that the Creator exists, and there is none else besides Him, and He is goodness and love. And I feel so good about it.

Recently, I came across a quote from Rav Kook. I read about him, and it turns out that he was a Kabbalist. 

Rav Kook wrote: “The voice of the Creator calls to a man from the depths of his soul, but the turmoil of life suppresses it so much that it is not heard.”

Does it mean that this voice exists within us?

This quote haunts me, and it stays with me all the time. I beg you, please, explain it to me. Piece by piece, if possible, and not all of it at once. I am really looking forward to this. I wish you good health and lots and lots of strength.

Answer: Of course. The Creator exists in each of us but, unfortunately, we do not hear Him.

Question: Based on this quote, Shakura writes: “Do we have to push through  the turmoil of life to hear it?”

Answer: Yes, we should relate everything to the Creator—that everything that happens is all from Him. And then, if we persistently strive for the Creator and fight our way to Him, we will ultimately find Him within ourselves.

Question: So we should go through turmoil to hear His voice?

Answer: Yes a person cannot live without turmoil.

Question: Continuation of Rav Kook’s quote: “But in no case does this voice itself disappear because it is this voice that comprises the basis and cause of everything that exists.”

Shakura asks: “It turns out that the voice of the Creator is the cause of everything that exists?”

Answer: Yes.

Question: What is the “voice of the Creator”?

Answer: The voice of the Creator is an appeal to the creation, to man. It is not only within man but it exists in each creation, in each atom that spins, in a molecule, and so on. The voice of the Creator is the energy that animates all of the creation. This is called the “voice of the Creator.”

Question: We understand what a voice is, and we can hear a voice. And when you say “voice,” what do you mean by that?

Answer: The appeal that twists everything.

Question: But what do I hear, “I am talking to you”? What is this? Or is it too corporeal?

Answer: No any of our appeals to creation, to others, and to the Creator is in order to communicate our desire, our heart, and our wishes to the one who we are addressing.

Question: And where is the voice of the Creator here?

Answer: The voice of the Creator is in what He arouses initially, before that.

Question: That is, He arouses us to turn to somebody?

Answer: Yes, otherwise we would not have risen from the inanimate state to at least vegetative, animate, and human.

Question: Do we begin with the inanimate state?

Answer: Yes.

Question: So, in the beginning, we do not hear any voice?

Answer: No.

Question: And then it begins to arouse us?

Answer: Inanimate, vegetative, animate, and human state.

Question: So what you say all the time about good connections, about relationships among people, is this where the Creator is pushing us, leading us?

Answer: The Creator, of course! Only the Creator arouses us and pushes us toward each other.

Comment: The last phrase from this quote: “And those who forcefully try to suppress this voice within themselves only strengthen the connection between the soul and the voice to the point that it constantly sounds in them, and they can no longer escape from it or suffocate it.”

My Response: Yes the Creator achieves His goal anyway, and man begins to reveal Him within himself, and everyone comes to the Creator.

Question: Shakura asks: “So, it turns out that the more we try to suffocate the voice of the Creator within ourselves the louder it sounds?”

Answer: Yes.

Question: She asks: “Isn’t it a paradox?” After all, we are trying to suffocate it.

Answer: No, the Creator’s task is to shake man up, to pull him out of non-existence, of the inanimate state.

Question: She asks: “So, in order for the voice to sound louder, it turns out that we have to suffocate it?” The more you suffocate it the louder it sounds?

Answer: The louder it sounds, just like when you speak to a person and he does not hear you, you move to a higher pitch and increase your voice.

Question: Can we say that He calls us to suppress this voice, and it sounds?

Answer: It is all together.

Question: Is it all Him, the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Then the eternal question is where are we here?

Answer: We are not here at all. We start in the following stages. When we begin to realize that this comes from the Creator and act in accordance with this, then it turns out that the Creator is already turning to us with an intention.

Question: That is, there is already a grain of “we” there?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/22/24

Related Material:
When the Creator Speaks to You
Decipher The Language Of The Creator
Listen To The Creator’s Hints

The Creator Will Lead Us by the Hand to where We Need to Go

712.03Question: Two roads met at a crossroads, a narrow one and a wide one. The wide one said: “Look at yourself. You are covered in sharp rocks and crevices. Look at me: I am beautiful, smooth. Alongside me there are cafes, restaurants, villas.” It uttered, sighed, and fell silent.

“Why did you suddenly go silent?” asked the narrow road. “Isn’t life good for you?”

“It is all well and good,” it replied, “but at the end of me lies an abyss, bottomless, dark, and gloomy. People do not even suspect it. And those who do know about it, they just shrug it off. I am afraid of slipping into it one day. And you, how do you live?”

“It is tough!” sighed the narrow road. “And those who tread on me go uphill, it is not easy for them. But at the end of my path, up there on the hill, they are all so bright, joyful, and happy. And I want more than anything to be there.”

The roads conversed and went their separate ways. A man who heard it all remained at the crossroads. And what is strange, he is still standing there, still pondering which road to take.

Answer: Yes, that is what is in front of people.

Question: Why doesn’t the man take the narrow road? He hears that it leads to paradise!

Answer: That will be somewhere later, someday. And now, there is a splendid road in front of him. And he is walking down it calmly. He might sit down at any establishment, a restaurant or a café, grab a bite, take a rest, and then continue on. That is what life entices us with.

Question: The man stands there, not knowing where to go. So, he hears the roads reflecting: one leads to hell, the other to paradise. And still, he does not go anywhere. It is like he is torn apart not knowing where to go!

Answer: That is our every moment-to-moment feeling.

Question: So these roads are not just a matter of standing and deciding right now.

Answer: You are in them all the time.

Question: Am I always at a crossroads?

Answer: Yes, every moment.

Question: How do I decide which way to go then?

Answer: You do not decide anything. It is decided from above. And you are led as you need to be led. It is already known and predetermined.

So the main thing is to agree with it, not to worry, and to connect with the Creator who does all this. And He will take you by the hand and lead you where you need to go. And you just obediently correct yourself. So be in agreement with Him in every moment.

Question: At some point, I stop at this crossroads for a moment or a for while, and then I have to agree with Him and go where He directs me?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is this called “where the heart leads”?

Answer: That is what they say. It is by definition a straight line. A straight line is called a curve at every point of which there is a bend.

Question: For me, even from the first grade it was: there are two dots, and a straight line can be drawn between them.

Answer: No, you cannot draw a straight line. You do not know the end point. But at every point you make a turn, and that is why it becomes a straight line.

Question: So a person does not choose his road? The Creator chooses it for him. And you keep drawing this line all the time—to agree with the Creator?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Why do I agree? Out of tiredness, out of wisdom? What more is there?

Answer: Yes, because it is the only right option. I am not setting myself up for something supernatural. I do not make any special decisions. I just want to flow with life in agreement with the Creator because it is inherently above me.

Question: How can one come to this wisdom? We are always choosing something.

Answer: Then be a revolutionary. Go ahead!

Question: But it is already clear that it will be a failed attempt. A true revolution is when I agree?

Answer: It is when you agree with the Creator because it is against your nature.

Question: And this is rising above one’s nature?

Answer: Yes, our life is a struggle with our own egoism, a struggle with what we would like. And therefore, only such an approach is actually reasonable.

Question: So, “I decide” lives within us? And the revolution is “You decide, and I do not decide”?

Answer: Yes, that is why you must jump, grab onto the Creator, and fly forward like that.

Question: The Creator who I must grab onto, what is it?

Answer: It is the nature of the entire universe. The great force, the wisest force that spins everything. And we are tiny particles in it.

And indeed, we are given the opportunity to realize that there is something higher than us that governs us. To agree that He is in control is our wisdom if we can uncover it.

Comment: And this addition, which you always say is good, is in my opinion the hardest thing to agree with.

My Response: If He governs and there is none else but Him, then what is left for us? The most reasonable thing for us to follow is to subjugate to Him, to subjugate not out of weakness, but out of rationality.

Question: And then I automatically understand that I am moving toward good?

Answer: Yes, and then we will move toward good.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/11/24

Related Material:
Where Will the River of Life Take Us?
The Golden Rule of Decision-Making
“A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step”

How Can You Burn Anxious Thoughts?

627.2Shura writes:

Dear Michael Laitman,

I do not know how to lose my anxious thoughts. They come to me right from the moment I wake up and do not leave me until I fall asleep. My dreams are also with anxiety. All of this causes inner pain. Sometimes, the pain disappears, but then returns with even greater force.

I heard you say that such thoughts need to be burned. I try, but it only makes me feel worse. Please explain how to erase and burn these anxious thoughts that do not give me rest.

My Response: You need to do something necessary, necessary not for yourself, but for others. Then, the anxious thoughts will burn away.

Question: You actually said: “Burn these thoughts.” So, when I am not thinking about myself, does this burn these thoughts? Is it more natural for women? Can it be done gradually for the family, for children?

Answer: In principle, this is also for men. Today, it is for everyone.

Question: Is this within a person’s power, or should it sound like a prayer?

Answer: No, this is not a prayer. That is an action.

Question: What is effective when we talk about a person? For example, whom should I care for?

Answer: About people. About strangers.

Question: This is not about the close ones?

Answer: Of course not! Close ones do not count.

Question: This is an important addition. Do you mean about neighbors I never thought about, about the world, about people in general?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is this achievable for an ordinary person?

Answer: Absolutely! It is not a matter of whether this is achievable or not. There is no doubt about it; everyone has the possibility and everyone is obliged!

Question: What will happen to these anxious thoughts? I have anxious thoughts about all of humanity; I think about it. What happens then?

Answer: As soon as your thoughts encircle the Earth, they will dissipate.

Question: Will my anxious thoughts about myself dissipate? Are you for people starting to think about strangers, about the world?

Answer: Yes.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 2/19/24

Related Material:
Don’t Get Into Trouble
How Can We Get Rid Of Fear?
Suffering And Hatred Are Included In Love

Is Loneliness a Gift from the Creator?

564Question: The vain hare wanted a fox to guard his house. He built a booth and invited a fox into it. Since then, the hare has not entered his house. The fox would not let him in.

This is very similar to our lives. To our disadvantage, we choose all sorts of foxes to guard us, and then they drive us out of our house. They rob us and so on. And then we grieve that this is our fate. We chose them to guard the house. Why don’t we, the hares, see that they are foxes?

Answer: You desire these foxes and cannot resist them. You think your case will be better than others.

Question: Do you mean this fox will guard me?

Answer: Yes.

Question: It says very interestingly, “The vain hare wanted it.” So is there something still wrong with me?

Answer: The hare needs something more than he normally would.

Question: To avoid choosing a certain fox, I must stop being vain. So if we work on ourselves a little, who would we choose?

Answer: Proud, simple solitude.

Question: Why did you bring up this loneliness and say, “Proud, simple solitude”?

Answer: Because this is what we usually have. We are always alone both in this life and after this life.

Question: Despite having families and children?

Answer: It does not matter. You are still within yourself.

Question: Then I ask you, as a Kabbalist, where is the Creator here? I am by myself; where is the Creator?

Answer: This is what the Creator has prepared for you.

Question: Can this be considered a good thing, a gift?

Answer: Yes. You see happiness when you begin to feel that this whole world is in front of you and that you do not need it.

Question: I do not need this world. What do I need?

Answer: Nothing, you have everything—everything that was and will be—and you do not need anything.

Question: Is this what you call solitude?

Answer: This is what I call happiness.

Question: That I do not need anything, I have everything?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Can we say that the Creator provided me with all this?

Answer: Yes, it is called connection with the Creator.

Question: Is this the state you call solitude?

Answer: This is a state of solitude. But it is sweet, good, peaceful for you.

Comment: We are used to dealing with loneliness. In England, even a Minister of Loneliness has been elected. The same is true in other lonely countries.

My Response: These are their problems.

Comment: People are looking for some kind of contact. They do not even look; they are alone. For them, there is an organized search for contacts to connect them with others.

My Response: This is entirely unnecessary!

Question: It is understandable for you that your internal dialogue with the Creator is this higher power. How about the ordinary person?

Answer: An ordinary person needs it too. We need to teach this.

Question: We received letters stating: “I am lonely. How can I live in this loneliness?”

Answer: What do you want from others? Do you want something played out in front of you so that you have someone to cry to? You do not need any of this.

Question: Isn’t this sad?

Answer: Not at all.

Question: Where is the joy in this? You even spoke about happiness just now.

Answer: The joy and happiness is that I can exist with myself and do not need anyone else.

Question: That is, you, in principle, are encouraging a person to find himself in this loneliness?

Answer: A person is generally lonely.

Question: Is this a formula for you?

Answer: Yes, a person must exist within himself, and then he will be fine. He should not demand or expect anything from anyone.

Question: Must he live with the feeling that he already has everything he needs?

Answer: Exactly. Prepared in advance. His inner joy and his happiness.

Comment: Somehow, I am not very comfortable with this after all. We always talk about good connections and warm relationships with others.

My Response: If you rise to another level, it is completely different. You are already talking about a method for correcting the world.

Comment: Inner peace first. That is how it turns out.

My Response: Peace in oneself.

Comment: Please connect these two worlds.

My Response: When you imagine a world where there is everything for everyone, no one needs anything, and everyone is satisfied only with what they have, you will have a really happy world.

Question: So it does not consist of many, many solitudes?

Answer: No, it consists of many happy people sitting in their little niche and feeling good. Above all, there is the Creator.

Question: That is, he does not want any takeovers, anyone’s apartments, and so on. He is happy where he is. It sounds right, but how do we come to this?

Answer: All this is on a much higher level. But, in general, yes.

Question: Can you take it one level higher or explain this one more?

Answer: We do not drag someone into a dark corner or a mouse hole. On the contrary, we want to straighten a person’s head, shoulders, and mind.

Question: Is it correct to say that each one already has everything? Is this message correct?

Answer: Yes.

Comment: That is, it is what you live for, you have everything. Happiness and joy…

Answer: Everything!

Comment: And the Creator is with you.

Answer: Just discover Him.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/15/24

Related Material:
Loneliness Is Unhealthy
“Loneliness Epidemic”
“The Swedish Loneliness”

The Path to Courage Lies through Timidity

543.02Question: Timidity wanted to hide from itself. But where? Cunning advised it: “Why don’t you settle with Courage, it’s not so scary with it.” Timidity went to Courage, but was afraid to knock on the door, so it just lay down on its porch. Since then, the path to courage lies through timidity.

Is this true?

Answer: Yes, because with an egoistic nature, it is impossible to achieve courage without fear. How do courageous people deal with this? It is because they overcome timidity.

Question: So the more a person is timid and the more they overcome timidity, the braver they are? So fundamentally are we timid?

Answer: Yes, because we have egoism within us. It prevents us from acting recklessly against ourselves; where there is a possibility of harming ourselves, it doesn’t allow it.

Question: So is there always a risk?

Answer: Yes.

Question: And is it our egoism that causes this? Why then is timidity so despised?

Answer: Timidity is despised, but it is important to understand that it is a human feeling and very strong. It, by the way, protects us from many problems that we could cause ourselves and others.

Question: So a person who admits they are timid is not despised by you?

Answer: No, not despised. You just need to know how to balance this force and take care of yourself in any situation with consideration for how much it is needed.

Question: Is there courage without fear?

Answer: No, only if it is a pathological state.

Question: So you consider it a pathology? When there is complete recklessness?

Answer: Of course. Look at animals, how they behave. They don’t recklessly attack anyone. They check, they make circles, and so on, and so forth. And only then, if necessary, they rush forward.

Comment: Yes, that’s true. Only in rabid dogs, it seems, this is disabled.

My Response: Yes.

Comment: So it is actually a disease if a person is purely reckless, brave, as they say.

My Response: That is not courage.

Question: How should children be raised? When we tell a child, “Don’t be timid, be brave.”

Answer: Weigh everything.

Question: Whom are you talking to right now?

Answer: The child. Weigh everything for and against. And only if you are convinced that there is no other way, attack.
Comment: You’re now addressing the child as an adult, as someone with wisdom.

My Response: What can you do? That is how it is with adults too.

Question: But should this be the attitude toward a child? So you weigh, weigh everything for and against? And only after that…?

Answer: Yes.

Question: Is this what is called upbringing?

Answer: Of course.

Question: Can a child do that?

Answer: They can. Since this caution, timidity can help them.

Question: What age of the child are you talking about?

Answer: A young child. From three years old.

Question: Can you say “weigh” to a three-year-old? Sit in front of them and say “weigh”? Can you already treat a child like an adult from such a young age?

Answer: Yes.

Question: If a parent acts like this, what does it say about the parent?

Answer: That the parent teaches their child a balanced approach to the world.
From KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” 1/22/24

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How To Win In Any Situation
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