Entries in the 'Holidays' Category

Fleeing Egypt in Haste

276.02It says that the exodus from Egypt occurs suddenly, in haste. That means that we must feel together, in our common desire, how much we long for this redemption.

We strive to feel that we simply need to leave Egypt and come to the land of Israel, to the desire directed straight to the Creator (Yashar El). We leave one desire and enter another.

We can only exit Egypt (egoism) in haste; otherwise, it is impossible. We are waiting for a sign from the Creator to tell us that it is time to exit, and we are hurrying to escape.

The exile lasts many years, and suddenly, this escape occurs in haste. After all, we did not know how close we were to redemption during the exile. Now, having received permission from the Creator to exit, we run away.

The Creator gives this permission the moment we are ready to exit in the dark; that is, we do not demand anything other than the opportunity to escape from Egyptian slavery. The entire difference between Egypt and the land of Israel is coming closer to the Creator. A person runs in darkness toward the Creator, and in those desires that he still has, he feels darkness. This is how the exodus from Egypt occurs.

It is impossible to break free from slavery without feeling the darkness, pressure, and fear. These are necessary conditions for escape. It is necessary to feel a sharp need for freedom and a refusal to remain under the rule of Pharaoh.

Pharaoh compelled us to work for him, but provided great egoistic fulfillment in return. It was as if we were living in this world in complete abundance and suddenly realized it was time to escape such a life. We prepare for this escape gradually by agreeing to pay more and more for the opportunity to leave Egypt and come to bestowal.

We can pay with our readiness to adhere to the Creator above all conditions. Then we receive the strength to escape and permission to leave Egypt. The Creator gives us a sign to leave: pitch darkness comes, but we realize that the Creator is going ahead of us like a torch showing us the way.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “This Is for Judah”

Related Material:
Why Rush Out Of Egypt?
Are You Ready To Run?
The Miracle Of Exiting Egypt

The Passover Holiday from Different Perspectives

232.01Question: How does the Kabbalistic explanation of our world and the Passover holiday differ from the usual comments?

Answer: There are several levels of explanation of existence, its creation, development, goals, and tasks of a person in it. For example, you can talk about the Passover holiday about:

1. The historical period of slavery of the nation in Egypt,

2. The “slavery” of man in his egoism—Egypt—Pharaoh,

3. The development of creation—desire under the influence of the Creator’s light and its absence under the influence of darkness—Egypt—Pharaoh.

You can also speak at different levels about:

1. The mechanical performance of rituals, which are commonly called commandments,

2. The psychological fulfillment of the instruction “love thy neighbor as thyself,” as a general (Klal) instruction of the Creator, which includes all other instructions, as it is said in the Torah: “Love thy neighbor is the general law of the Torah,”

3. The Kabbalistic influence of the upper light on the worlds and through them about souls that go through the stages of their spiritual development—correction.

Related Material:
Questions About Pesach
Everything Starts With Pesach

The Passover Prohibition to Eat Leavened Bread

200.01Question:Pesach” (from the word “Pasach) means to step over or jump over from egoistic qualities to altruistic ones, to the qualities of the Creator.

Kabbalists described the procedure for emerging from egoism allegorically in the order of the Passover meal. One of the symbols of Passover is the prohibition of eating leavened bread. What does leavened bread symbolize in our inner work?

Answer: The prohibition of eating leavened bread means that if you wish to leave Egypt, you cannot apply any intentions for yourself. If you want to exit from egoistic desire, you must rid yourself of all actions that keep you in this intention.

Question: What does Matzah, called the bread of poverty, symbolize?

Answer: Bread is what sustains a person. Exiting from the egoistic state means that one starts consuming food that does not feed the egoism, but only provides spiritual strength, the quality of bestowal. The custom of eating Matzah signifies that a person should receive just what is necessary to sustain the body and with everything else, work for the sake of bestowal.

Question: Another symbol of Passover is the pre-Passover cleaning. What is the significance of this?

Answer: It means that we must completely renounce egoistic desires. Thus, we leave Egypt, i.e., our collective egoistic intentions for “oneself.” Therefore, we must cleanse ourselves of leavened bread (Hametz), which symbolize these intentions and various actions on all levels: inanimate, vegetative, animate, human, from everything around us and within us. It is written: “You shall remove leaven from your houses.”
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/28/21

Related Material:
Questions About Pesach
Everything Starts With Pesach

Break Away from Egypt

608.02Question: Passover lasts for seven days. Why is that?

Answer: Seven days represent the seven Sefirot, all the levels of our soul. On the first day of Passover, a person exits the intention for oneself and continues to get rid of his egoistic intentions on the second day, the third day, and so on, until he completely detaches from them.

In this way, one approaches a state called Yam Suf—the Red Sea. He is ready to plunge into it to fully detach himself from Egypt (from egoism).

Question: Exiting Egypt is the final frontier of the corporeal, egoistic world beyond which lies an arbitrary line called Machsom. By crossing it, a person begins to feel love, bestowal, and the spiritual world. What happens to him? What transformation occurs beyond this line?

Answer: Beyond this line, a person only thinks about how through others he can increasingly realize in himself the quality of bestowal and love. As a result, he begins to feel in this quality that he is filled with the highest light—the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Spiritual States” 3/28/21

Related Material:
Getting Out of Your “Egypt”
Why Rush Out Of Egypt?
The Miracle Of Exiting Egypt

Midnight Is the Time to Start Acting

202.0Question: How do we collectively find the true, correct Hisaron (deficiency) during the night time?

Answer: At night we cannot find anything; there is no light. During this time, a person is under the influence of egoism, under the influence of uncorrected or even evil forces.

Therefore, at night we do nothing, and we act only when morning begins, i.e., from midnight.
In this, we take an example from King David who always woke up at midnight and began writing Psalms.

Question: On Passover night, the body is limited both in thoughts and desires. What is this state?

Answer: It is a state of feeling the exile in Egypt.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Exodus from Egypt”

Related Material:
The Mystery Of Passover Night
The Night Of The Exodus From Egypt
Escape From Egyptian Darkness

Nothing But Connection

936Question: We are required to awaken from below. Is there anything special about Purim that we still need to do?

Answer: We do not need anything other than connection. The Creator created the desire to receive and shattered it into many parts. And we need to gather them so that they become like one person with one desire.

All these parts are in us. We are broken parts, so our desire to unite leads us to a state of correction.
We must constantly turn to the Creator with a request that He unite us into one common whole.

And when He does, we will have the opportunity to ask Him to fill our common desire with the upper light. This state will be called Purim.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/24/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “Haman Pockets”

Related Material:
The Joy of the Light of Unity
The Scroll Of Esther: Purim Here And Now
Purim ‑ The Last Of All Corrections

The Essence of Passover

749.01Question: What is the true deficiency (Hisaron) born in the struggle of exile and redemption that leads to true prayer?

Answer: The true Hisaron, or deficiency, arises in a person through the process of studying what exile is, why we ended up there, and how to escape from it.

This is the essence of Passover. Passover, from the word Pesach (Pe-Sach), means a transition from one state to another, from a state of exile to a state of redemption from egoism.

Passover night symbolizes the feeling of being exiled into egoism.

Therefore, for hundreds of years until the final correction (Gmar Tikkun), the exodus from Egypt represents the final night of Passover, when we finally exit egoism and become free people.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/14/24, Writings of Rabash “Concerning the Exodus from Egypt”

Related Material:
The Uniqueness Of Passover Is The Light Of Faith
Pesach Is the Beginning of the Spiritual Path
Passover—The Holiday Of The Beginning Of Correction

Either Unity or Death

931.01Question: What should be the conditions for the quality of the people of Israel in us to hear the call of Mordechai: either connection or death?

Answer: We must feel that as a result of the entire historical path, we have reached a state where the Creator (nature) sets a task: either you unite with each other and become higher, more developed than everyone else, and then everything will work out, or your end will be here.

Question: The fact is that although our lives are in danger every day, we cannot say that any sensitivity has awakened in us. How can we develop it?

Answer: Special sensitivity can be developed only by all possible actions to unite. Then we will see how much they help us and benefit every person and the whole nation.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “There Is a Certain People”

Related Material:
Our Strength Is In Unity
What Kind of Connection Does the Creator Require of Us?
Unite into One Common Whole

“The Wicked Will Prepare and the Righteous Will Wear”

13.03Question: It is said: “The wicked will prepare and the righteous will wear.” How do we build these properties in the ten?

Answer: The point is that such a state can exist even in one person when he wants to do a spiritual action but still has intentions for his own sake.

However, while doing spiritual work, he gradually corrects himself and acts for the sake of the Creator.

Question: What does a righteous person wear on Purim: the Light of Hassadim or Hochma?

Answer: On the holiday of Purim, he wears the level he reaches.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/22/24, Writings of Baal HaSulam “A Lot Is an Awakening from Above”

Related Material:
Exalt Righteous over Wicked
An Honorable Task Of Becoming Righteous
The Place Where Sinners Retreat

Awakenings from Above and Below

509Question: Purim is an awakening from above, and Yom Kippur is an awakening from below. But in any case, there must be some readiness for an awakening from above. How is this different from awakening from below?

Answer: In principle, we are always in favor of causing awakening from ourselves, from below. But at the same time, we must understand that awakening from below is accomplished by regretting our sins.

And awakening from above is already an awakening from the Creator when you begin to understand, feel more, and come closer to Him.

Question: Awakenings from above and from below should occur together, right?

Answer: No, of course not. One after the other, alternately.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/22/24, Writing of Baal HaSulam “A Lot Is an Awakening from Above”

Related Material:
The Purim Holiday
Purim Is A Call To Unite
Feeling Purim