How To Protect Yourself From Unnecessary Problems

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: While studying the integral principles, a person gets a good sense of community, and then he returns to the outside world where he is forced to interact with dozens of people. He needs to go to clinics, school, etc. There he encounters a completely different picture, where everything is built on making more money and giving nothing in return. How can he work with this terrible system?

Answer: Frankly, I don’t know what to say because I am not in any system at all. I am, in general, isolated from the world and only know about the world from what is said by hearsay: the Internet, television, radio, and newspapers; I am connected with many people and get a lot of information from all these sources, but I have no personal contact with these organizations.

I understand that life is very difficult, that it exhausts a person, wears down his health and nerves. Perhaps we should still try to respond to everything in a good way. I think that at least then you can protect yourself from unnecessary problems.

You do not swear and pretend that you are a fool; you are just a normal serious person who understands life a bit, does not attack another person’s views, but treats people with deliberate respect, addresses them with dignity, perhaps even as a teacher to his students. I think this should create a different atmosphere.
From KabTV’s “Building a Social Environment” 9/24/12

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