Let’s Only Talk About The Good!

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Who must take care that the wife has a positive image of the organization where her husband spends most of his time getting the integral education and upbringing if he returns and talks only about the negative things?

Answer: Why negative? You take an example from one system and you transform it into a completely different one. I absolutely do not see it.

If I come home after discussions at the roundtables where a lot of people have felt what an integral interconnection is and what a positive influence it has exerted on everyone, then I come home with positive emotions, with positive news. At the same time, famous, influential people have participated there, and we were all making decisions about the introduction of integral education and upbringing in other places. Why then, will I come to complain? There is nothing to complain about!

Of course, I understand those people, who are resisting! I understand that a person cannot adopt this methodology right away; preparatory work is also needed.

Question: Must a man worry about bringing home positive information about what he is working on?

Answer: He is obligated to! The wife, the husband, and the children.

I have an agreement with my wife. If yesterday we had some kind of misunderstanding, we do not carry it over to today. We begin from a clean page. There is nothing left back from yesterday. Of course, we do not suffer from memory loss, but we do not talk about it, we move forward because you will not be able to solve anything this way anyway. Start a new day with a good mood, with good news. Only the good ones! This takes a long time to get used to it.

I remember how for a long time I used to hear from my wife criticisms of the neighbor ladies, about the nursery schools where my son and daughter used to go to, and so on. I said that I didn’t want to hear anything negative, since we are not solving anything by this. What for? This only spoils our impression of each other. We meet, you tell me about the children (now about the grandchildren); very well, I am ready to hear only the good. If, God forbid, some problems come up, some diseases, then yes, but just negative impressions, they are nothing.

Question: What if someone had offended her, whom is she going to complain to?

Answer: Then it needs to be corrected! If it can be corrected, then yes. While if it is simply her impression about something she saw somewhere earlier, then there’s no need for it! The negative things a person sees are on the account of his own personal distortion.
From a “Talk on Integral Upbringing” 5/28/12

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