How To Alleviate Tension In The Family

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Typically, a woman is consumed with housework and a man generally comes home in a negative and irritated mood. It seems that a woman has no strength to deal with this kind of a situation because she has no resources from which to draw the strength that is needed to deal with it. What is the solution?

Answer: The men finish their day incorrectly. They should gather together, sit in a circle, and set their intention for a proper return home. They need to rise above themselves by reminding themselves of why they are in such a state and that their stress is actually due to their advancement.

They need to feel like pioneers and elevate their state despite the fact that it is so intense. This is a special state, and they are special because they were chosen among all of humanity to actualize the method of becoming an integral human. I think that this will alleviate some of the inner tension, and they will be able to come home in a normal state.

The women should support one another and understand the men’s state. We should work with women separately and teach them how to neutralize this state.

I understand all of this because I’ve experienced it myself, only in my time, there was no integral method. I experienced very unpleasant states that were impossible to deal with. There wasn’t all this advice or special unity gatherings or psychological workshops and preparations. However, today, everything is all possible.
From a “Talk on Integral Upbringing” 5/31/12

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  1. Hooray for progress!

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