An Essential Method

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Is it a good idea to speak about the crisis right at the beginning of an introductory lecture about integral education, or is it better to focus on the positive?

Answer: In an introductory lecture we must talk about movement, about the evolution of humanity, about what nature has brought us to, and what challenges it presents to us. At the same time, we should bring facts as evidence by citing research and opinions of scientists, psychologists, political scientists, economists, and all those who deal with global mechanisms of humanity or nature.

Now, all of them have almost come to a consensus that we have entered a very interesting system that shows its global, full interaction, and absolute integrality in which every piece depends on the others and determines what will happen with others.

In this system everything operates in harmony, except for man: He violates the balance because he is opposite from nature. Man’s ego has developed to such a degree that suddenly a mismatch, contrast, and oppositeness is revealed between human society, including all the systems and the institutions we’ve created, and the general system of nature.

So there is no other choice. Because we feel this oppositeness as a crisis, we should look for the method of balancing ourselves with nature. Then we will feel comfortable.

This is the topic of the introductory lecture: why should we study the integral method, for what purpose.

Thus the integral course should be perceived as most important and urgent for humanity, since without reaching a state of balance with nature, the global situation will threaten our existence.

A person should be shown that he is dealing with something that is very important and essential. By studying the integral method, he acquires the necessary vessels to change himself and his society, which will help him with his family and children, at work, and in every interaction with others, in business, in his personal dealings, in everything. He will understand today’s world, which in the meantime we don’t understand at all and are terribly confused about. A person should feel all this so that he will feel how important an integral course is.

The course is rather easy, and it is given in the form of a discussion among the participants sitting in a circle. They exchange opinions and thus advance faster. This format of studying enables the participants to remember the material better than in a lecture format.

Because the integral education is becoming more and more popular in different parts and circles of society, it is clear that the more we attain it the easier it will for us to adapt ourselves to others, thus feeling more secure in every sense.
From a “Talk on Integral Upbringing” 5/22/12

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One Comment

  1. do as much as you can, but the Lord is still acting whether we move or not. What is being done with these movements is utterly beautiful, I love all humanity. Every last person, love. One good way to connect better is to not leave people out. Sometimes these institutions of differing opinions outcast members like me. Keep up the good work. The real job of the Jewish is not the torah. It is to keep the essence of the Lord alive and remembered through every generation. This must be done to avoid terrible thing’s. But regardless of what happens, hope and love. One good way to increase the group is to connect other oneness movements together as well or better yet, as one.

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