The Complex Process Of Spiritual Growth

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Everyone in my group wants to unite. Everyone tries, makes an effort, but nothing comes from it for anyone. This feeling very much interferes with my concentration, and I don’t know how to deal with it.

Answer: The process isn’t easy. Even in our corporeal world, we don’t grow up simply. Look at how much time passes until a person grows, until he turns into an adult.

On the spiritual path, we need to gather a great many discernments and feelings. All of our feelings are based on disappointments and on attainments.

We simultaneously walk “on two legs,” on the left and right, in minus and in plus. It is only when we attain a certain size, a certain value between the minus and plus, that we exit to the next level.

This means that we need to go through great disappointments and attainments; otherwise, we don’t advance. Thus, the one who advances is only the one who walks the path, who overcomes it. One simply must move forward. The training, the exercises, that you are beginning now, must be organized without stopping.

I am sure that each one of you gradually will begin to feel the appearance of unity, the shared force that is specifically created on the surface of our mutual feelings. This will be revealed. One simply must work constantly on this.

This is the system for the inner development of the additional sensor, of the spiritual sense. It is specifically developed within a group, and only in this way.

We will develop this system even more. We will make it more accurate and more complex. You will get these tasks. You will feel that you are changing.

You know that, when one prepares the dough for bread, one kneads it for a long time. You must “knead” yourselves, until an image of “man” comes forth from your attributes.

This work needs to continue for a few months. As much as we aspire to this more strongly, it will yield results more quickly. However, only in this way will it be realized.

All of this is described in our sources. I am not saying anything new. We simply are beginning the most serious and broadest implementation of this system.

It is very good that today you are either experiencing something or not experiencing something. Don’t forget that, but also, don’t remain there! Simply write it down in your notebook and move forward.

You will see how, gradually, time after time, your state will change. The accumulation of these impressions, in the end, will produce within you intellect and sensation, and will enable the mutual discovery of the next level, the force of the Creator. He will be revealed.

In any case, even if you felt nothing that you had hoped or wanted to attain, you went through some kinds of stages, through some kinds of feelings, and this already is quite a bit. You must value this!

The main thing is not to degrade. All the discernments are positive, and man must undergo them.
From the Vilnius Convention 3/23/2012, Workshop 1

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