The Right To Feel Offended

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: In the course of people’s interactions some strong emotions may arise. They can be positive as well as negative. How and where should one realize these emotional states should it happen in the group or elsewhere?

Answer: One can realize his or her emotions however one likes as long as they stem from an integral worldview. If they do stem from an integral worldview, then that person can’t afflict harm to another. That person may speak up or shout out something abrasive when he sees a negative action or a result, but he won’t cause harm to another.

Question: If someone has an outburst and says some hurtful things, is it better to reconcile immediately or to give it some time?

Answer: It’s impossible to smooth everything over immediately by saying let’s shake hands and hug. This has to be clarified. It’s quite possible that each one of us has the right to blow up and the rest have the right to get upset. All of this is correct and normal. This happens with our children whom we love so much, but at times their behavior is so unbearable that we just can’t stand it.  We observe this in animals as well, when a mother will thump a baby on the head or give it a box on the ear.

There is nothing to be ashamed of. Within a specific framework outbursts and hard feelings are acceptable. We have to examine these things since we’re still in the process of perfecting the process of upbringing and we haven’t yet reached its final state.
From KabTV’s “Foundations of the Integral Soceity” 2/26/12 

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