The Help Of Which No One Will Know

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is self-annulment? What does it mean, to nullify yourself before the friends?

Answer: It means that I serve my friends: Let them reveal the Creator to the full measure, while I will only help them. They won’t know about it. In the same way, it doesn’t matter to a mother whether her baby is aware of her care and concern. She is simply devoted to him without any reservations. Similarly, I want to help all the friends realize their hopes so that through that they and the Creator could delight in each other.

And what about me? I remain a hidden factor. Just like the Creator who conceals Himself behind the scenes in this world, I, too, want to lead all of humanity towards His goodness in a concealed manner.

Just be careful: Great pride lies in this approach.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/21/2012, “Introduction to TES

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One Comment

  1. Rav vhaverim,

    What about setting an eventually anonymous, additional feed-back level, for the questions that are asked during the lessons, during the congress. Meaning a “contextual” response per email within the following days? Reshimot of the gathering popping out a few days later in externality.

    A new row of gates. Could probably enhance the communication.

    What a convention!
    eli feruch

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