Making A Stranger Your Own

Dr. Michael LaitmanIf we talk about the new generation, a new era in which we exist, we come to even more important conclusions. All of us living on this planet are tightly interconnected and dependent on each other, that the surrounding environment is becoming one for all of us, and that we exert an influence on climate and ecology. What happens in one place causes an earthquake or a tsunami in another; a war in one country immediately affects others.

We see that we don’t simply need to affiliate ourselves with a certain society or a group, but have to organize a common, global, and integral upbringing.

Since we are tied together, our upbringing and environment that we create (the determining factor of our development) need to transmit the same values to us so we will understand each other while still maintaining our individuality and freedom. After all, if we are so dependent on one another, we need to understand and feel each other, to become closer.

The whole problem is that we don’t understand one another, the way it happens in a family where each person complains that they are misunderstood. People are incompatible with each other because they have different values, tastes, and attitudes to life….

On one hand, in order to understand a loved one or even a stranger, an upbringing is required. But on the other, this stranger should become less of a stranger if today’s culture, upbringing, economy, and all existing structures are so close and interdependent.

It’s necessary to develop a system of global, international, and multicultural upbringing, and this great worldwide organization should ensure that each person in the world has something in common with others in their upbringing, culture, and attitude to life. Then a person will know how to accept another, and in the end, people will grow closer in their views and tastes; they will be able to make their life more secure and reach agreement among themselves.

Moreover, this won’t be just a mutual understanding between two strangers, but will have an impact on international agreements, crucial political decisions, economics, defense—on everything. We need to come closer to each other, and this depends on whether or not we can create a single system of upbringing for everyone.

Putting it differently, we need to understand that environment as a factor needs to become the solution to all of our problems. This is instilled in nature! Thus, instead of putting people in jail and isolating those who commit malicious acts, we need to forcibly, by court order, place them in a special environment that will educate them and turn them into productive members of society. Accordingly, we will verify the influence of the environment on such a person and, on the condition that he or she has been reformed, will release and transfer them to normal society.

This same principle works in relation to children and schools too. We need to check and identify different types of people and decide what is most suitable for every layer, for each age group. Based on this, as well as by considering the personality and peculiarities of a person and by utilizing the surrounding society’s comprehensive influence upon a person, we can give him or her the possibility to express themselves in the best possible manner.

That is, we have a comprehensive and diverse tool that includes a multitude of circles and different groups, and we need to try to guide a person towards the influence of a given society until he or she acquires a correct and harmonious form.

This is similar to a ripening fruit that requires both warmth and cold, night and day, moisture and dryness, light, and a certain combination of minerals. Here, too, in order for a person to mature and turn into a ripe “fruit” that tastes sweet to everyone, society shouldn’t pressure him or her from one direction only but exert all possible diverse forms of influence.

This is why an environment is a single factor through the use of which we can correct all the evil that exists in a person and in humanity, caused by our egoism. We only need to take this tool into our own hands, to organize various types of environments that will correspond to the culture, education, and habits of a given nation, to peculiarities of different civilizations, and in this manner to find an approach to every part of human society, in any country, down to each individual person.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” Episode 3, 12/29/11

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