Tell Me How You See The Group And I’ll Tell You Who You Are

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Where should each of us start to create our own environment?

Answer: Start from the need to evoke inspiration and to impress everyone by your desire to create the environment. Try to spur them without words that we should all yearn to create an environment that will oblige us, change us, and bring us closer so that we will connect. This is a must. Without such a society, without the right connections among us, there is nowhere that spirituality can be revealed. Spirituality is revealed only in the connection among us.

The form of the connection among us is the form of the spiritual world, the form of the level a person is on. The moment it influences me and I want to discover it, the level of the connection will depend on me. In the same group there are those who see it on level 50 and there are those who see it on level 5 and others can see it as absolutely perfect, in Gmar Tikkun (Final Correction).

Spiritual reality doesn’t have a predetermined form; it all depends on a person. This is why I need the environment so much, so that it will oblige me to treat it correctly. That’s all we need.

Actually, when I see that it is corrected, I see that it has always been that way, and I only lacked the desire to discover this, I lacked the sensitivity. Now too we are in a group and in an environment that is in Gmar Tikkun, in the world of Infinity. But it doesn’t spur me to discover that. By evoking the friends, I create an effect that helps me discover that they are absolutely corrected.

As a result of this cycle, which comes back to me, I correct myself. This is called to pray, to judge myself, how do I return to the right attitude through the environment. We have to give it a lot of thought because it all begins and ends here.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/20/12, “Introduction to The Book of Zohar”

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