Light Inside A Crystal

Dr. Michael LaitmanWhat are our qualities and how are they connected to the desire? After all, the will to enjoy is the only thing we have.

First of all, it varies in might (P). But is there another parameter by which we can measure it? Yes, there is: It’s the limit (H). Besides different degrees of might, it also divides into different degrees of limitation.

Initially none of my desires are limited. But when I take one desire and begin imposing a restriction on it, the form that emerges gives me a certain quality. Thus, every quality is created from a specific restriction on the force of a certain desire. My desires are distributed along the scale of might, but that’s not enough: Precisely their limitation creates forms or qualities in me.

Let’s imagine our totality in the form of one large crystal that consists of many small crystals. The Surrounding Light pours upon this crystal. How does it penetrate inside and reach every little crystal? How does it expand and spread among them? How does it fill the general structure? Everyone participates in this: Every part limits the others, every one forms the friend and passes the Light to him, and every one receives Light from the friend after it passes through the others.


Maybe the example of a crystal structure will make it easier to understand how the Light passes through everyone and flows through all the axes. This is determined by the total, mutual correspondence of our qualities. Obviously, every little crystal has its own inner structure.

We cannot change it, but we can deform it and distort the connection. Then we will need a long time for correction. That means the only thing the world needs is an optimization of the connection between people. Our connection is the most important thing, which is why we constantly urge people to unite above all the differences.

In reality, all my qualities precisely correspond to the quality of all the others, being an irreplaceable segment of the common system. Therefore, we cannot try to change anything about a person, suppress any part of him, cut off any part, or on the contrary—try to make him grow something extra. We must only make sure that he develops in the right interconnection with others, while everything is tacitly preserved in him until the right time.

Therefore, we don’t touch a person’s spiritual facets. Despair, exhilaration, confusion—no matter what takes over him, we only offer general support, wrapping him in warmth, while unchangeably abiding by the principle, “raise a boy in his way.” After all, all of one’s qualities conform to the totality of humanity, and if anything in him is harmed, the entire system is harmed. This is a very important aspect in upbringing.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/2/12, “The Freedom”

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