Freedom Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Dr. Michael LaitmanEverything in our world is built on the confrontation of two opposing forces. Any of our interactions is based on the predominance of one factor over the other; any success is achieved at the expense of something.

How can we establish correct relationships between us? Today, the only solution is concessions. I would like to take over the world, but I am bound: “Take only what is no more than 10 cm from you.” Everyone is limited in a similar way, but we are unable to comply with these rules, and that is why we have been fighting from time immemorial, or using other methods to prevail over each other. Every time, envy, passion, and ambition pull us out of the current into a more comfortable state.

However, today we are all interconnected. No one can withdraw from others or switch to self-sufficiency. Current conditions do not allow us to reach even minimal self-sufficiency. I involuntarily depend on others to such an extent that they penetrate my mind and feelings. Our ties are stretched everywhere, and they define all my life.

Previously, people felt free after work and not burdened by a total network of mutual influence. But today, we are all linked by one chain, and that is why the two opposite forces, acting in everyone, are also interconnected globally. I would cope or come to terms with my own problems, but in this age, this is impossible: I depend on others so much, that their impact breaks me to pieces, throws me in all directions at once.

So, we need a new methodology that allows each person to live a peaceful life, and us altogether to live in a new way, to unite correctly. Otherwise, a person will always think that others use and exploit him. For better or for worse, it does not matter because he has power over nothing and is deprived of any freedom.

On the other hand, this is the law of Nature: There are two opposing forces acting in each of us—the attractive and repulsive—and today we already see that they form a single mechanism. It remains only to learn how to manage them.

So, for the first time in our history, we face the question of freedom of the individual: What should it be under the circumstances?
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 1/1/12, “The Freedom”

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