The Group: My Beacon In The Dark

Dr. Michael Laitman with StudentsWe always need to check whether we are advancing correctly and acquiring a new force of desire and the intention to use it for the sake of bestowal and in no other way. So how do you evaluate yourself to see whether you are facing the Creator, heading toward Him?

For this purpose, apart from the Creator, we need another point of reference that provides the required conditions for advancement. It turns out that the solution is quite simple. Using the Light, we can increase the point of desire created by the Creator. Breaking it down into pieces, we can feel ourselves in contrast to the Light. The force of egoism and mutual separation stands between us. Instead of the power of love and bestowal, it is the force of reception, the quality of the ego, which is opposite to the Light.

When we begin to feel these pieces and try to become closer to one another, working against their desire, we will necessarily attain the goal: adhesion with the Creator. It turns out that connecting these distanced and opposite desires and connecting to the Creator is the same thing. This is because we become similar to the Creator, the Light, to the same extent that we become closer to each other.

This is why it is so important to love your friends and connect to the group. The laws and actions that we carry out as we connect with each other are the same laws and actions we need to carry out in relation to the Creator. In this way, we attain connection, love, correspondence, and adhesion, everything that is contained in the goal of creation, as it is written: “From the love of the created beings to the love of the Creator.”

We are given an initial point, and having it and our desire, we are in the beginning of “a field which the Lord hath blessed.” We must cross this field without becoming lost in it. This is only possible by connecting with friends.

When we are unable to work the proper way or when we try doing it but are unable to for reasons that do not depend on us, we enter the Egyptian exile, even though this is also a stage of the journey we must experience. However, it is only possible to come to this after getting lost in the field. This wandering around in the field is called the Egyptian exile.

Then, this field takes us out of Egypt. There, we receive the method of correction called the Torah to correct ourselves. This field turns into the desert and later, into the land of Israel. However, all of this is the same field, the same desire to enjoy that we must make similar to the Light.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/14/2011, Writings of Rabash

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