The Foundation Of The Third Temple

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Can we say that by virtue of the common efforts we made in the Arava desert and at the Convention, we were able to find a place and lay the foundation for the Third Temple?

Answer: In Hebrew, “Temple” is “the House of Holiness,” where “House” is Malchut, and “holiness” is Bina. Malchut that is connected to Bina, having received its qualities and having its own Partzuf, is called “the House of Holiness.”

This House is built by the group, or in the language of primary sources, by the “holy society.” This is talking about a society that wants to advance and acquire the force of bestowal. It is able to build the House of Holiness.

As a whole, there is one, common soul and we are trying to assemble it from broken parts. Our inner Kelim, corresponding to Galgalta ve Eynaim divide into three components: root, soul, body. Besides, there are also external Kelim corresponding to AHP, which form the clothing and castle.

Inner Kelim are the group, our unity. After all, in spirituality there are no single individuals, but only a society. This group builds the correction of the external Kelim for itself, also called “the Temple.”

In the past we have already done this twice—on the third and then on the second stages. Now we have to gather into a group, meaning correct the inner Kelim, and then go on to correcting the external ones. The Temple cannot be erected without a builder. Stated differently, AHP cannot be corrected if there is no Galgalta ve Eynaim.

Thus, having begun to correct ourselves, of course we have laid the foundation for the construction of the Third Temple.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/15/11, “The Freedom”

Related Material:
Building The Temple Below
Building The Third Temple
The Third Temple – In Stone or In the Heart?

One Comment

  1. It seems confusing sometimes — apparantly from different levels being discussed — perceiving the level of Bina.

    At times it seems grouped with that above (GAR vs. ZON), and at times, with that below: (AHP vs. GE). Is it a matter of the upper half and above vs. the lower half and below, of Tiffereth d’Bina? — We being at the middle third as the defining “I”?

    Yet is this rather embedded in Nikvey Eynaim in the level of Chochma? It is difficult to grasp/hold. Is it totally unnecessary to get any of this right at this point?

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