The Architects Of The Integral World

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: If we organize a course on integral relationships for a group of people, will it move them closer to the question about the goal, or will they just understand that the modern world is like this?

Answer: This will bring them closer to the goal. They will begin to feel it, however, in a natural way.

We experience plenty of “revolutions” on our spiritual path because we build the structure of the upper world; we study and form it like architects, designers, and naturalists. Other people, however, do not participate in the study, design, and construction; they do not care and take advantage of what others have done. How many real researchers of nature, artists, and educators with a capital letter are there in the world? There are few. However, they change the world and lead it forward from generation to generation. Others play the role of “users.”

You open a new world, build it, extend the relationships between people and the Creator, and through yourself conduct the Light that Reforms. You carry the methods of education, unity, and upbringing to them, and they use that because life itself leaves them no choice. As a child has no options but to go to school, so will they get integral upbringing from you. Namely you will become a mentor, a father for them.

Question: Will this encourage them to continue the path and choose the proper environment?

Answer: They cannot continue, they can only use. Of course, they can be induced to use it more, but not in a creative sense, but namely in application.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 12/25/2011, “The Freedom”

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