Help Of The Second Force

Dr. Michael LaitmanEverything is gained through the power of prayer. If I am the desire to receive, I can’t do anything with myself because I lack the second force: the desire to bestow. The presence of these two forces existing in creation is necessary for me to fight, make decisions, and do something to one with respect to the other.

The first force is egoistic. It is given to us at birth. But how do we get the force of bestowal that comes from the Creator? That is the problem, and our prayer is about that.

Why do we need the second force? If I feel a lack with regards to the first, egoistic force, I begin searching for how to fill it. And this is also called a prayer. Even a thief, who is planning to steal but is feeling anxious about his success, creates a prayer for a successful robbery through his desire. And it also receives a response just like any other lack.

Thus the problem is not in the desire, but what it is directed to. It shouldn’t be a desire toward filling my egoism that develops in a natural way, making me act for my own good. The still, vegetative, and animate levels of nature are instinctively developed in such a way.

But the human level doesn’t exist in nature as a result of its natural development. “A human” not in the sense of a physical body of this world, which essentially is the highest level of the animate degree, but a spiritual human who is similar to the Creator can develop only under the condition of acquiring the second force, the force of bestowal in addition to the first one, the force of reception. Thanks to this, man becomes similar to the Creator.

But how can this force be passed to a person if it only belongs to the Creator? This transition cannot be direct. Rather, it can happen through some influence or example from the Creator, either in a hidden or revealed form, when the desire to receive in a person changes its shape and behavior. And instead of receiving directly, like it is intended by nature, it starts working differently.

The desire to receive inside a person will change itself. It’s not like two opposite forces becoming revealed inside him or her: the human desire to receive and the Creator’s desire to bestow. The force of bestowal exists only in the Creator. It can only be passed to a person through the influence of the Creator. And then the person’s desire will change its shape and external manifestation.

He starts acting in bestowal for the sake of bestowal, restraining himself and not harming or using another person. Or, he receives for the sake of bestowal by working the same way he used to, but with the intention to bring good to the other.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/21/2011, Writings of Rabash

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