The New World Needs A New Human

Dr. Michael LaitmanFor the time being, people still believe that they can restore order in society, in the country, and in the world using the old methods. They think that we still posses the necessary knowledge, power, and program of the world order. But they naively do not understand what is happening with the world.

Scientists and economists get together for conferences, hoping to find some particular solution. But while they are holding discussions, the crisis is growing worse. And when it materializes to a greater degree yet, they will understand where their negotiations were taking them, for the sake of what they held them, and thus, they will see their own powerlessness. It is easy to demand things, but the problem is how to implement the demand. This can make people very confused. In fact, everything depends on our work, on our intentions and desires, because we will be able to explain the principle of mutual guarantee to people.

The problem is that the world does not understand what is happening, although many important people are already saying that there is no solution to the crisis and that the methods we attempt to apply to the world do not match its actual current conditions. It’s like trying to use a huge wrench to adjust a modern electronic device. They do not match each other at all!

Many economists, sociologists, and politicians are already writing about this because they have a good sense of the situation in human society. However, science in the academia is lagging behind. Those who work directly at the center of events, such as at the stock exchange, in banks, and in business, are more sensitive to the dynamics of the events and changes that are happening in the world.

Our primary task is to help the world swiftly discover that it has no means to change anything. All changes are possible only by way of changing the environment, which includes society, media, and man. The changes won’t happen by changing the existing systems, which have become obsolete and cannot be corrected by the old approach. First of all, we must change ourselves. Only then will we be able to change all the systems according to our inner changes.

When we become global and integral, we will feel what mutual guarantee means. We will come closer to the proper form of society, and then we will be able to build such a society.
From the 5th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 8/16/11, “The Nation”

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One Comment

  1. this is a great article, well put

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