The Entire Path Is The Search

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Could you describe all the states that we have to go through from our present condition to the true request for bestowal?

Answer: These are not some kind of clear, sequential steps that we can understand. These states are changing: coming and going.

But it is clear that at the very beginning, when a person comes, it seems to him that he can achieve everything himself, alone, and that he is not dependent on anything, neither on the teacher nor the group. He thinks that books are enough for him to advance.

Then, he has a revelation, and the only question is how much time it would take. Sometimes, egoism plugs his eyes and ears so much that he sees and hears nothing, and thus, it may take years. Sometimes, this happens sooner.

However, all theses stages that we have to experience are the levels of our awareness of our inability to reach the goal and of our dependence on the teacher, the books, the group, and applied efforts of one kind or another. Thus, we rise step after step until we come to the understanding that we depend only on the Creator, the notion that incorporates all previous factors: when I couldn’t manage without the teacher, the books, and the group.

Now, I reveal that everything is included in Him, in the concept I call the “Creator.” And then I really see that everything around me, except me, is He alone, and there is no one else. I understand that I am not able to and cannot, but nevertheless have to persuade myself  to seek Him all the time.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/5/2011, Shamati #5

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