Rethinking Education Axioms

Opnion (Boris Wolfson, historian, professor, Russian Academy of Education, “For all his enormous scientific achievements, man still has not penetrated into the mysteries of consciousness—the most profound gift granted to him by nature. For the most part, the real essence of man remains a mystery….

“None of the modern philosophical and pedagogical theories is able to determine the basic objectives and means of education….

“It is becoming increasingly evident that to overcome the crisis in human development, our primary task is not the transformation of social structures…, but something more challenging: profound changes in consciousness and behavior of the modern man that would ennoble his inner world and fill his aspirations with new content, social and aesthetic ideals, and notions of good and evil. The challenge is to purposefully form a humanistic consciousness in the individual, group, society, and the whole of humanity….

“Humanism is not rooted in the biological structure of man, it is not inherent in him from birth. Each individual must re-learn some basic human values. Therefore, it requires more effort from the teachers, significant changes in the system of education, as well as a re-evaluation of the fundamental provisions which seemed axiomatic a short time ago.”

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One Comment

  1. Rav,

    The low paying professions are in the field of education, the one that matters most. Why this trend continues to go on and why having it on the news don’t make it any better.

    Thank you and much love,

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