An Electronic Circuit Of The Collective Soul

Dr. Michael LaitmanEverything becomes revealed in the connection between myself and others. Once we were in the world of Infinity where I or other souls did not exist: Everyone was one whole.

Then I developed the sensation that there exist me and others, the outside world: the still, vegetative, animate nature, and people, a multitude of different objects that connect, interact, and create the vanity of this world.

But why am I given this sensation instead of the peace and perfection of Malchut of Infinity? It is so I would start figuring out this mess that I am feeling and connect everything into one, as it is written: “He and His name are one,” like in Malchut of Infinity. This connection can only be realized through the quality of bestowal and love, which connects all of these different things back into one. After all, love unites!

The force of bestowal cancels our evil egoistic inclination which becomes revealed between the scattered and distanced parts, separated by the force of evil, the force of destruction. But I need to overcome this force of hatred and separation and its limitations specifically by opposing it and to build a connection between us. And then I will build a system that connects all these parts.

At first there was no system. They were simply united into one solid whole. And suddenly we get many parts, connected through a variety of different ties. It is like an electronic circuit filled with resistors, induction coils, capacitors, and transistors, which create different connection conditions.

I need to put together this kind of system on my own! Right now my ego is painting all these elements that interfere with connection: resistors, induction coils, and so on. They do not short circuit my circuit, but introduce a sort of resistance: sometimes “magnetic,” sometimes in the form of a “capacitor,” and sometimes with completely different conditions. And a circuit is made out of all this.

All the systems—human, electronic, and biological—operate according to this principle. In this circuit, I examine the creating force which operates within the one being created. I reveal the Creator within all these systematic connections! I do not have another opportunity to reveal Him, only by beginning to build this system within my egoistic desire.

I turn it on and make it work because the Light will be revealed in it if I have connected all the parts correctly. This Light begins to flow through this system like electricity, and then the mutual work of its elements, their program, and interaction become revealed The Creator becomes revealed!

And made all this happen? I did! And of course now I understand who and what He is. This is our work.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 5/31/2011, Talmud Eser Sefirot

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