From Egoism To Bestowal In Faith Above Reason

Dr. Michael LaitmanLo Lishma means that I’m aware of the fact that I exist in egoism rather than bestowal. I strive to achieve bestowal, Lishma, with all my might, but I’m yet unable to do it and must make a calculation in my own interest. The difference I see between my actual and desired states is called my Lo Lishma.

Suppose you hand me an envelope, returning a loan of one thousand dollars. If I take the envelope without checking what’s inside, this is called “below reason.” That is, I take you at your word from the outset and don’t involve any reason. If I check it, see exactly one thousand dollars, and accept the repayment, this is called “within reason.”

However, if I open the envelope, count the money, and see that it’s short by a certain amount, but nonetheless accept it as full repayment of the loan, to the measure of the missing sum, I work in faith above reason.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/19/2011, Writings of Rabash

Related Material:
That Elusive Faith Above Reason
Faith Above Reason
Upwards Along The Degrees Of Intentions

One Comment

  1. I assume you are speaking of the imperfect nature of the method, which we are now developing? Seeing the goal as important enough to keep going despite the imperfection, and make it happen? Or, is this referring to knowing we don’t actually care about each other but striving for it anyway?

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