The Multidimensional Creation

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Creator created one desire that was initially in total oneness with the Light that conceived it, in adhesion sustained by the power of the Light. This is the first and, on the Creator’s part, the absolutely perfect state, only the creature doesn’t feel it. That’s because this state was created by the Creator, and it lacks the creature’s awareness of it. Essentially, there is no creation in this yet; there is only something which was created and exists because of the force that begot it.

Thus, the created being needs to undergo a long process in order to gain self-awareness, and there are several stages on this path. First, it seems not to exist at all, as “existence from absence” (Yesh Mi Ain). However, in the end, the creature is set to become “existence from existence” (Yesh Mi Yesh), meaning like the Creator.

The creature overcomes this discrepancy, from “Yesh Mi Ain” to “Yesh Mi Yesh,” gradually, by its step-by-step development, thereby finally acquiring a second nature: the nature of the Creator. However, to achieve this, it has to act independently in order to attain itself: what the creation, “Yesh Mi Ain,” and the Creator, “Yesh Mi Yesh,” are and how they differ.

It has to constantly assess these two states by either agreeing or disagreeing with them, that is, by declaring its wishes, having received free will. Thus, the creature moves ever closer to the form of the Creator and accepts it not because it is more pleasant and beneficial (meaning, not because of its natural egoistic striving), but because it does, in fact, acquire the Creator’s properties, the attributes of pure bestowal.

Attainment, on the whole, is possible only by way of equivalence of form. Otherwise, nothing can be attained, and neither the Creator nor His qualities can be comprehended if one doesn’t possess the same. Therefore, in order for the created being to attain the Creator completely and become identical to Him, the Creator divides the state that he shares with the created being as one into multiple parts, consecutive states, and various desires and thoughts.

It could be visualized as construction blocks or as a puzzle, but not as one or three-dimensional, but rather as construction blocks of numberless dimensions. Any part of this puzzle has an infinite number of sides with which it links to all the others so that nobody has anything of his own, but always his upper part connects to the upper one and his lower part connects to the one below him.

They are all connected in such a way that nobody has anything belonging to himself except one: the very central point at the Tabur (navel). It is the place where everyone decides how he can participate independently, with his own attainment and awareness, and attains this interconnection where he unwillingly finds himself in order to give all his strength and desire to sustain this bond.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/15/2011, Writings of Rabash

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