Establishing Balance Between Countries

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe uncontrollable printing of money and financial tyranny has a limit, and I think it’s near. Equilibrium in the global world will demand us to start establishing balance between countries. That is, everyone, albeit egoistically, will be able to use the same very forces that he or she produces.

Therefore, the countries living at the expense of others must come down since such an imbalanced situation as we have today cannot exist in the global world. They will be facing very serious crises. I don’t know in what form they will manifest. It could be as natural phenomena such as environmental disasters. After all, all levels of nature, the still, vegetative, animate, and speaking, are parts of the same single system.

The law of nature, the Creator, must bring us to the equivalence of form, and prior to anything else, it has to make us a more or less uniformed, integral system, meaning that we will have to reach a certain internal equilibrium between us, all countries and nations.

This is why we are going to face great changes. Even now, we are witnessing the currency wars that will keep increasing ever more.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/1/11, Lesson on Money

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