Compensation From The Upper Dimension

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Baal HaSulam advocated a fair distribution of wealth and total equality in the world. How did he intend to accomplish that, and doesn’t it look like a communistic idea?

Answer: Equal distribution of goods is impossible unless man receives compensation for it. However, for the willingness to accept material equality he will receive spiritual ascension that will give him assurance, security, peace, success in life and family, health, and all abundance. Is it not worth compromising the material life somewhat in exchange for a heavenly life, as in the paradise?

If you do, you will free yourself from the yoke of this world that brings you problems, competition, and attacks you from every side. It is necessary to provide compensation to man in his life, and then he will be more agreeable.

Baal HaSulam certainly didn’t intend to enforce egalitarianism as communists did in Russia. Compensation is peace and the upper world.

But for that, it is necessary to spread the wisdom of Kabbalah. Until a person understands where the solution lies and gains a new outlook, he will not let go of what he now has. Otherwise, it will lead to wars since nobody will want to give up anything they own and share it with others.

A fair distribution of wealth is viable only in exchange for spiritual ascension.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/2/2011, Lesson on Money

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