We Work With The Friends, But We Mean The Creator

Dr. Michael LaitmanHow do we advance in a group? Together we know that our goal is to attain love and bestowal. And the force of correction only comes to us through studying the corrected system. This is the wisdom of Kabbalah.

This is why we unite and study together as we build the maximum intention for unity. Along the path we discover real hatred (Sinnah), Mount Sinai, between us, but at the same time we discover the need to attain love and bestowal. After all, there is no other solution—this is the goal. And that is how we gradually advance.

A person strives toward love of friends, checking his efforts and successes, and to him this is no different than being close to the Creator. Even though the Creator is concealed, these two corrections—work with the neighbor and work with the Creator—are similar, in fact, identical.

This is because a “neighbor” is everything that exists outside of a person’s desire, be it the Creator or a friend. Both of them are as one since they are both foreign to man. Thus, if he is able to entrust himself in relation to a friend, he needs to know that by doing this he entrusts himself in relation to the Creator.

Besides, in the group he receives help from friends because they expect work from him and they motivate him to do it. That is why he can definitely succeed here.

We unite with the friends as must as possible in order to correct the quality of our unity through the study. This is the method. And when we do this with the purpose of attaining bestowal and love for the Creator, we structure ourselves according to the principle of “Israel, Torah, and the Creator are one.” When we unite with the friends through the study of Kabbalah, we evoke the Light that Reforms, the inner force in us, the Creator. Then we reach unity with Him through the unity between us.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabaah Lesson 2/15/11, Writings of Rabash

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