The Power Of Our Weakness

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do I reach the Creator more quickly with my prayer without judging Him?

Answer: The Creator does not care if you judge Him or not. Neither does it matter whether you bless or condemn Him. What is important to Him is that you don’t forget Him. You don’t forget that the Creator exists, that He is Good Who does Good, and that He is the cause of all events of your life.

Therefore, no matter what you are receiving at the moment it is for the best. And not only that, but it also propels you toward the goal. Even if the experience is dreadful, you receive it with the understanding that it is necessary so that from this point you can aim at the goal.

How do I aim myself at the goal? I connect to the group. How do I bond with the group? I do it by performing various actions. What will come out of it? I will receive stronger desires from the group. Yet, it is here where I will realize that I am worth nothing and won’t be able to progress.

The powerful desire received from the group will seem to have caused an opposite response. How can that be? Let’s take a twenty-man military troop, for instance. In this case, everyone receives support from all, and the team, empowered by the strength of twenty, goes into combat.

But in a group of Kabbalists, it is quite different. Instead of multiplying their strength by the strength of the friends and plunging into attack, I feel twenty times weaker while the goal becomes twenty times more profound in my eyes.

We think that we will get stronger having entered the group. In truth, we feel weakened, but at the same time absorb the importance of the goal from the friends. Now I look at the goal as if I am hypnotized, but…clearly see no chance to achieve it.

This is exactly how it is, contrary to what takes place in our world. The group has to support me by demonstrating to me that it is a desirable state. I must come to it, and the Creator “will not knock me off my feet” and “will not beat me cold,” leaving me “dead in the battle field.”

In its time, the scouts sent to the land of Israel got stuck in this kind of trap. All transgressions of the people of Israel (or those who are striving for the Creator) described in the Torah were committed solely because of the people’s inability to evaluate (comprehend) the impressions of themselves, the group, the Creator, and the path to the goal that emerge in them.

Despite the exhaustion, the goal is exalted and profound in our eyes. Now the time has finally come when due to this exhaustion, we have the right to cry out: “Where is the Light? You promised it to us!” The Creator loves when we demand from Him, which is described as, “My sons have defeated Me.” Then, we will receive strength.

In this way, along with weakness and importance of the goal, the group must pass confidence in our success to everyone.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/4/10, ““What is the Foundation that Sanctity is Built Upon”

One Comment

  1. How can the Creator, who is defined as the attribute of bestowal, want or love something? Moreover, if the Creator is an attribute, to whom does the attribute belong?

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