The Moving Force Of Creation

Dr. Michael LaitmanThe Book of Zohar describes the connection between us because there is nothing else to explain. Even here, in this world, we constantly discern what kind of connection we have with one another.

We do not realize this, but we are constantly doing only this. Even if we do not know what moves us and all our actions and thoughts, they are all dictated by just one desire to advance more and more in the connection between us or in the direction opposite from it.

It is a known fact that people who love each other sometimes quarrel a bit in order to strengthen their connection. However, this doesn’t matter because in any case we are discerning the connection; we never do anything but this.

Look at all we are doing! All the means of communication, mass media, politics, economics, and family – all of this is a connection between people. It doesn’t matter if it is positive or negative; either way, we always act only in this area.

It’s as if we are sick with this because the goal of creation directs us only toward a connection between us. Either we advance toward it by the good path, following the right method and knowing what to do; or we walk the path of suffering. In any case, we advance only toward a connection.

Therefore, when we open The Zohar, we have to think only about this. The Zohar talks about advanced forms of connection between us and its various forms. Therefore, when reading The Zohar, I have to think that I am together with other souls and inside the connection with them I want to recognize the picture, the form of connection that The Zohar talks about.

If we come closer to that form, we will immediately reveal the Creator and the Upper World. That is why we must aspire to revelation; this is called “desiring to know what we study,” uniting with it.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/3/10, The Zohar

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