The Measure Of Purity In The Work

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What deficiency of the spiritual work allows the “impure forces” (egoistic intentions) to cling to it?

Answer: It happens when I, in my spiritual work, allow the egoistic intentions (impure forces) to arise and exist in me by wanting to use spiritual data, forces, and discernments egoistically. It diverts me from the goal. Being on guard against these thoughts is called “the measure of purity” in the work.

I may err in my intentions; however, a conscious desire (intention) “to bestow in order to receive” or “to receive in order to bestow” is an impure act. On the other hand, purity is defined by my discerning whether or not I steal from spirituality for the sake of corporeality.

It is very important not to try to extract any personal benefit from anything that pertains to spiritual work. We are held strictly accountable for this.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/28/10, Beit Shaar HaKavanot

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  1. I am confused here. I thought the work was “to receive in order to bestow’. Please explain how this is an impure act.

  2. I too am now completely confused about this. And for the same reason. Please also clarify how then we are to correctly balance the left and right sides and what then the appropriate intent one should have is and how to achieve it.

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