Reanimation Service For The World

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: What is “internal circulation”?

Answer: Internal circulation means that in our circle, we, those who aspire to know the Creator, are in a powerful bond. And since we are also intertwined with other souls within the integral system of Adam, our strong bond begins reanimating them.

If in an organism there are some ill areas but the main systems are healthy and function well, then, thanks to these healthy systems, the body heals the problematic spots. Similarly, the Light that is revealed in us thanks to our unity “spills out” onto the rest, onto all those people who would not be able to receive it on their own, and they start feeling that such force exists and brings salvation.

For the time being, they are concerned only with the corporeal problems, but the latter are increasing so fast that humanity cannot find the solution to ecological catastrophes, terror, drug abuse, depression, or divorce. All these problems are caused by nature, the Creator, and a person will not find any solution to them at the level of the corporeal world. Humanity will keep declining until it realizes that this degradation cannot be stopped.

After all, nature must bring us to realization of our evil, as it is written: “I created the evil inclination, and I gave the Torah (Kabbalah) as the method to correct it.” And if I don’t see my evil, I have nothing to correct and don’t need Kabbalah as the means of correction.

Therefore, everyone who asks himself such questions will instinctively find us. We have completed such great preparation that there is every opportunity to circulate Kabbalah externally.
From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 11/4/10, “Exile and Redemption”

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