What Brings Contentment In Life?

Dr. Michael LaitmanToday, people are increasingly worried about their well-being. Essentially, every person in the world can be provided with all that he or she needs, but we are unable to accomplish this. Even the richest and most powerful people don’t feel absolute security and fulfillment that can be accomplished by the collective love: mutual guarantee. It will be possible only if we take care of each other.

Humanity thought that material wealth would satisfy it, but the American dream, the society of consumers, has ruined itself. We have reached the need to change our attitude to life. The sensation of goodness, peacefulness, and completeness is not defined by how much I own. We can’t be satisfied with any fulfillment.

True contentment will become possible only when the Light starts flowing between us. But to achieve this, we have to open the way for it through our mutual caring for each other. While thinking about others, I unblock the system, thanks to which contentment will definitely fill them and me. We need this contentment to realize Arvut (mutual guarantee) so we may start worrying about how to fill the Creator.

At first, we think that our exerted efforts will simply result in our feeling good. And only when everyone starts truly thinking about everybody else, annulling individual egoism, then our intention will switch to altruism. Thus, from Lo Lishma, we arrive at Lishma, in the measure of our realization of mutual guarantee.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/8/10, “The Arvut”

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