The Constant And The Variable In The Equation Of The Mutual Guarantee

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: Can I break through the external decorations and connect to the points in the hearts of my friends, to their internal emptiness, which they themselves may not yet feel?

Answer: Yes! Begin to use the force of the mutual guarantee because the system is already there. If a person manages to open it even for an instant, it is his success!

The same system exists between us and the Creator, but it does not allow us to reach Him. Upon addressing the Creator, we do not have the opportunity to “rollback”: The minimal threshold of entering the system rises to the measure that we open it. For example, I manifest 10% of it, so now there is no way back, only forward because the Creator is constant, and the contact with Him can only be built on an ongoing basis. If I raise the measurement to 15%, this becomes my minimum.

This is why for now we can “play” the mutual guarantee not in relation to the Creator, but only in relation to the group where there are no problems with ascents and descents and where it is not necessary for us to be constant. In this, the system of souls differs from the Creator Himself. He is present in it, but by concealing Himself within the group, He allows me to “romp about” in the meantime, jumping up and down while all the same moving forward. And when I reach a constant direction only to Him, He will reveal Himself to me.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/8/10, “The Arvut”

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