Preparing For A Descent

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How do we prepare ourselves for a descent during an ascent?

Answer: By no means should you anticipate a fall during an ascent! I should regard every ascent as the final correction of my soul. How can I possibly bestow if I am waiting for an imminent descent?

I have to be positive about the future. This is called “preparation for a downfall.” I do the maximum and expect complete correction as the outcome, believing that from now on nothing bad can happen to me in life. I completely cling to the One who is good and does good: the Creator. Each spiritual state requires absolute commitment and devotion of the soul; you should think only about bestowal and nothing else except that.

I am now going to rise, and no matter what follows afterwards as a descent, it comes as an ascent for me. This is what a person thinks about while he is in the state of ascent: “I am not afraid of anything at all, let the angel of death appear! I will tear him apart! It doesn’t matter which state I’m in, I will use it as a springboard to ascend further!”

This means that after the November Congress we all transition to a continuous ascent! There are no more falls! Every spiritual descent that we experience should be transformed into an ascent through our intentions.

Even when I sense a fall, it allows me to realize that I haven’t yet reached the top of the ladder, but through my intention I am already in the World of Infinity. Let the emptiness manifest itself within my receiving desires, I am ready to rise above it. On one hand, I descend revealing my evil, and on the other, I immediately rise above it through the intention to bestow.

We want to experience such continuous progress after the Congress, so that whatever potholes and bumps are on our path, we will all perceive them as an ascent.

From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/6/10, Shamati #42

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