A Descent Is A Joy

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: How should I react once I find myself in a state of descent?

Answer: I have to relate to it as a call from Above and ask myself: “Who sent it to me? What for?” A new state has been revealed to me. As Baal HaSulam writes: “I rejoice in the revelation of the wicked,” meaning the “new” egoistic qualities that are being exposed in me. Surely, they were hiding within me always. But now, as I grew stronger, they become apparent so that I rise above them and, despite of them, stay connected with the Creator as in a state of ascent.

This is an unpleasant feeling in an empty desire. However, one can instantly rejoice in the revelation of this desire because with its help he will undoubtedly and quickly discover a stronger connection with the group and the Creator. Hence, upon feeling a descent, one should immediately connect with the group and start performing all possible actions in order to turn the descent into the force of unification.

A descent is the discovery of a sharper precision in our connection, where I’m not yet connected with the group, yet have to do it now. I was under the impression that I was bound to the group by a “thick robe.” But now I see that this robe is comprised of hundreds of tiny threads by which I am not connected with the group at all.

And so I ascend, sharpening and strengthening my connection with the group more and more. This is why I welcome such a revelation for it occurs on the basis of my previous state.

You will soon sense that a descent is a joy. Everything depends on how one relates to it: as merely a state or as the means for achieving the goal.

Work brings joy. A true professional is happy to come across the problems in his work. It gives him an opportunity to apply his professionalism, find a solution, create something new, and demonstrate his skill.

Why do all creative personalities need “inspiration”? Why are they constantly searching? Why do they feel confused and lost until their creation is born? It could be a person of any profession, even a plumber, but if he is a master, he feels his trade.

Hence, difficulties or special circumstances that arise are an asset which we can’t live without. We don’t understand or appreciate the extent to which the revelation of deficiencies within us exposes the Light.

From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 9/6/10, “And Jacob Went Out”

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  1. Thank you.

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