Don’t Let Your Ego Consume You!

Dr. Michael LaitmanA question I received: What does the group do? Does it help me see my egoism or correct it?

My Answer: Both. None of us can live without a system, without a spiritual environment. My exercising free will as well as my work completely depend on it. A seed pulled from the soil and left without the necessary environment dies! What will come out of it if you drop it on the ground, uncovered by the soil that provides water, nourishment, minerals, and energy?

For a person, the difference lies in whether he works in the group or not. Suppose you have a sack of seeds and you can plant them in order to grow something. If not, what else are they good for? Only to eat….

From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/16/10, The Zohar

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