Action Plus Intention

Dr. Michael Laitman“The Creator is good and does good.” We need to accept this as the only axiom in spirituality. Nothing bad ever comes from Above. On the contrary, the Light remains in a state of complete rest, and only absolute good is revealed.

The only problem lies in the vessel, the creature’s desire. In other words, everything depends on the person, on his efforts and preparation. The action itself may be reception or bestowal, and the intention may be for oneself or for another.

We begin our development from “reception for oneself,” which is the double concealment or Lo Lishma. The action is reception, the intention is for oneself. But then, our efforts bring us to the degree of “bestowal for oneself.” The transition from “reception for oneself” to “bestowal for oneself” implies changing only the mechanical action. This we are able to do!

We have no control over the intention which can only be corrected by the Light. However, we are capable of changing our actions from reception to bestowal, as long as it is done for ourselves. We bestow in order to better our own state. This work is called “buy yourself a friend.”


But in order to shift from “bestowing in order to receive” to “bestowing in order to bestow,” we have to change the intention and for this we need the influence of the Light that Reforms. We exert efforts and do whatever is necessary in the group and in the study, but the change in intention is done only by the power of the Light.

And when we come to “bestowing in order to bestow” (the degree of faith, Lo Lishma, reward and punishment, and the first revelation), we then go on to consciously elevate ourselves to the degree of “receiving in order to bestow” both via our actions and the Light’s influence.

From the 4th part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/9/10, Article, “Could Anything Negative Come Down from the Sky?”

Related Material: Post: From A Lie To The Light
Kabbalah Moments: “Seeing Goodness”
5 Minutes Of Light: “The Creator’s Revelation & Concealment”

One Comment

  1. But what should one feel in between states ‘bestowing for myself’ and ‘bestowing for others’?

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