Correction “Back to Back”

Laitman_421_03Beit Shaar HaKavanot: The correction “back to back” is the correction of the receiving desires concealed by the Light of Hassadim which deprives them of the power to attract the Light of Hochma, which they demand in accordance to their nature.

How can we appease the receiving desires, which want to be filled with the Light of Hochma and don’t understand anything else? How can we prevent them from impeding our work? We can’t destroy the desires. We can only correct their usage by changing our intention. Here the correction called “back to back” or “from the reverse side,” takes place.

You have to show the receiving desires that you can only bestow. Then they leave you immediately, as if they disappear, recoil. However, as soon as you begin to engage in receiving for the sake of bestowal, these desires reappear instantly and begin to demand for their own sake. For this reason, while transitioning from Katnut or Hafetz Hesed to Gadlut, we have to “stock up” the power of withstanding our egoism.

From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 4/20/10, Beit Shaar HaKavanot

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