By Learning About Nature’s Global System, We Will Correct Our Intentions

where-to-send-logistical-questionsWe have no choice but to begin studying the global system. Just the act of studying will improve our intentions: We will reveal the right intention, which means that we will wish to bring the world to the kind of relationships that nature deems necessary.

As soon as we begin to do this, we will come closer to nature and will cease being opposite to it. We will have a good relationship with nature because we will become similar to it through our qualities.

We will be like an obedient child, who no longer wants to break everything around him and be punished by his mother. Even though he still isn’t corrected inside, he is already trying to understand what is required of him and what he has to do in order to avoid being punished. He is already being treated differently, and as a reward he receives a candy.

The same will immediately happen to us. But how can we start? We can start simply by studying. We have to give people this knowledge through the TV, the Internet, newspapers, and all other media. We have to explain to them what Baal HaSulam is saying.
(From the lesson on Baal HaSulam’s article, “One Precept,” on 03.05.2009)

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