The Creator And Nature Are The Same

laitman_2008-11-14_7050Two questions I received on what the Creator actually created:

Question: I have heard you say, “The Creator and Nature are the same.” How can this be?  What did the Creator create, if not Nature, meaning, the world, the universe, and everything that’s in it?

My Answer: All of this is the Creator. The only thing that was created is your own self.

Question: Did the Creator create us with the intention to receive rather than to bestow so that we would have our own desire and then ask Him to change it to the intention to bestow, so we would reach equivalence of form with Him? But won’t the development of this new desire, which will emerge from nothing, out of the creation itself, lead to a recognition of being separate from the Creator?

My Answer: The correction is brought about precisely by the recognition of evil and of one’s separation from the Creator by virtue of egoism.

Related Material: Post: We Were Created as Parts of One Whole Post: The Creator Is the Corrected You Post: The Crisis Is One Way to Make Us Accept Nature’s Program and the Method of Correction
A Guide to the Hidden Wisdom of Kabbalah: “The Recognition of Evil and the Revelation of Good”

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