What’s Good About The Crisis?

liveIn the News: (from The New York Times):Recession Can Change a Way of Life” In the United States and other affluent countries, physical health seems to improve, on average, during a downturn. Sure, it’s stressful to miss a paycheck, but eliminating the stresses of a job may have some beneficial effects. Perhaps more important, people may take fewer car trips, thus lowering the risk of accidents, and spend less on alcohol and tobacco. They also have more time for exercise and sleep, and tend to choose home cooking over fast food… In the United States, a 1 percent increase in the unemployment rate, on average, decreases the death rate by 0.5 percent…

David Potts studied the social history of Australia in the 1930s in his 2006 book, “The Myth of the Great Depression.” Australia’s suicide rate spiked in 1930, but overall health improved and death rates declined; after 1930, suicide rates declined as well … he found in interviews that many people reminisced fondly about those depression years… today’s teenagers stand less chance of making foolish decisions in the stock market down the road. In addition to trying to get out of the recession — our first priority — many of us will be making do with less and relying more on ourselves and our families.

My Comment: This is what happened during previous crises, and it may also happen during this crisis. However, the crisis will not go away until we reach harmony with the world around us, because we caused the crisis with our lack of harmony with Nature.

Therefore, we need to change. Time alone won’t change anything. I hope that the crisis will quickly teach us how to change: we have to become altruistic toward one another. I hope that we won’t just feel comforted by the above mentioned statistics, but will soon realize that it’s necessary to provide a global education for humanity.

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