The Mysteries Of Our Perception

ourNews Report (translated from Dr. Y. Danilov from the Tactile Communication & Neurorehabilitation Lab at the University of Wisconsin, reports that a device called TVS (Tactile-Vision Substitution System) has been developed. It works like this:

A video camera relays an image into a computer, which converts it to a black and white image. This image is then transferred to a flat matrix that is placed on a blind person’s tongue, which then receives the image in the form of electric impulses. The tongue relays the signal into the brain, enabling the blind person to see the objects around him and to find his way around space. As a result, a person who is absolutely blind can see his surroundings. He can walk around, read, play Tic-Tac-Toe, and recognize faces. This scientifically proves the words of the famous researcher, Paul Bach-y-Rita, who used to say, “We see with the brain, not with the eyes.”

My Comment: If you read what the science of Kabbalah has been saying about the perception of reality ever since Adam revealed the Upper Reality, nearly 6000 years ago, you will discover that Kabbalists knew about this for a very long time. They use the “external vision” to perceive and research the Upper World, which is perceived in “our brain” just like this world is.

The next scientific discovery in the field of perception will be that our brain is but a detector, whereas perception (sensation) isn’t happening in the brain, but outside of it, in the “desire.” The desire bears no relation to our body and is found beyond the earthly matter. We perceive everything in our soul.

Related Material:
Kabbalah Today Article: “I Saw a Reversed World”
Kabbalah Today Article: In Search of New Frontiers

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